San Francisco applies socialist values to anything you can carry under 950$. No arrest for shoplifting under that amount and people are overjoyed.

1  2020-03-03 by MiggyMcMiggy


"Woah b this is like so cool bash the fash eat the rich" - chapo fags

Wait so if something is on sale for like $800 at Neiman Marcus, I can just take it????

The cops wont arrest you since its a misdemeanor.

Oh but they’ll still be a charge? Nvmind, I’m cancelling my flight/shopping spree

"In most states, an officer can't arrest an adult for a misdemeanor without a warrant, unless he witnesses the person committing it"

My apologies, this is my first foray into crime. I didn’t know the details.

A dumb criminal is a dead criminal, stay smart while you try and fit ur hand in the fat cats pants.

My apologies, this is my first foray into crime.

Don't try to play all innocent and sweet. I have evidence that you attempted to reveal the location and identification of a special agent to a certain frenchman, who then proceeded to electronically message threats which have yet to be followed up on, but that still makes you an accomplice. Therefore, a criminal. A smooth criminal.

Touché 🧐 Tbf, he told me he was with Mossad.

He lied


Lmao so if you called the police and the police saw stolen goods they could get arrested

Lmao your such a retard

Like why the fuck would you even arrest a person without a warrant or without witnessing anything, what are the circumstances in which that is even a useful power or anything the police should have under any circumstances.

8/10 trolling

Ok, real talk then, could I just take a trip to California and steal a bunch of shit risk-free? Like is that what they're doing these days? I wouldn't do it but that sounds ridiculous.

The cops can’t arrest you for misdemeanors?

I guess it makes sense. You can't call the cops and be like "uhhh this guy did some trivial thing" and then get them arrested without any evidence. Arrest is a punishment of its own so it makes sense not to do it without a solid suspicion.

Based and Winona Ryderpilled.

I'm assuming you also have to be black. Or at least a woman.

Bro King, what kind of man has the username “affectionate otter” and a profile picture of otters holding hands?

A gay one?

If anyone's curious why socialism wont work in the US, the answer is black people

If anyone is curious why socialism won't happen in the US, it is because of racists

If anyone is curious why socialism won't happen in the US, it is because of insufferable socialists.

If anyone is curious why socialism won’t happen in the US, it is because of BIG BIDEN ENERGY.


This is what happens when u seriouspost

The clone is malfunctioning. It may be time to cut down a fresh one.

Blacks cant stand eachother, why do you think they complain about white flight? And racism doesn’t exist.

San Francisco is unironically a needlessly expensive shithole.

Which is why everyone in SF is either obscenely rich, a tourist, or a criminal.

Or all three.

Day of the Earthquake when?

Apple to set prices for every of their products to $951 in SF.

Pffft I wish.

At least to $951.


This includes the charging cable and headphones.

Its statewide. Originally you could steal a gun and it'd be a misdemeanor because Californian politicans are just that good at their jobs. Enough people cried to get that one changed to only become a felony after the second stolen gun.

Anyways, this is also the state that wants to give health insurance to illegal immigrants before the actual citizens of the state.

Originally you could steal a gun and it'd be a misdemeanor because Californian politicans are just that good at their jobs.

It was voters retard. Fake right wing populist always sticking their own words in the peoples mouth.

The only thing more reprehensible, stupid and incompetent than California politicians is the collective body of California voters.

Claifornia should be placed into administration and put under martial law, to be ruled over by a 10 man panel comprised or people with at least a decade of public hatred for California and its citizens.

So anyone who's lived there and the moved to a Midwestern state in the hopes of escaping that hell?

And then trying to make where they now live more like California?

When I visited Nevada and was at Scheel's looking at their aisles and aisles of gun stuff, they were wary of me being the scorpion on their backs when they asked where I was from.

Hell the Commiefornians in Reno are already closing down the strip clubs.

I'm pretty sure they were suspicious of me because I was looking at a chest holster meant for biking. They could smell the secondhand cuckoldry off me probably.




chapo pls

Stop seriousposting. We get it, you live in San Fr*ncisco.

What the fuck

WTF, I can somewhat understand making drug use a misdemeanor, but shoplifting, really?

Californian prisons are overcrowded and it costs 60k a year of taxpayer cash to keep people there while they actually socialize with other criminals and get more mad crime skills. I guess it was seen as a terrible RoI and also is a "compassionate bleeding heart liberal" thing, so it was voted for.

Regular San Franciscan will still look at this shit and go "uhhh just so you know these people are desperate and we literally need to solve world poverty and inequality before we can begin tackling these issues sniff"

Criminals in prison don't have mad crime skills lol. They're exactly the ones not to take criminal advice from.

Only a retard doesn't think hard time breeds more criminality.

Being a criminal doesn't mean you're a good criminal, though. Good criminals don't get caught and go to prison.

If you're being robbed you don't particularly care in the moment whether the criminal is good or bad, it's immaterial when you're confronted with a gun being mugged or whatever.

Yeah, never said that didn't matter. What I said is that you probably shouldn't take your crime-doing advice from a criminal in prison.

You're confined to a cell with them for some odd number of years or months, what else are you listening to? If the criminal looks at jail-time as an eventuality (which many do) it is an immaterial assertion, especially if the opportunity for networking is ripe.

Besides what kind of advice are you trying to say they not listen to? They are already throwing away logic by engaging in the acts they are doing, so I am curious as to what advice they not listen to when someone who got caught could tell you up and down about what conduct they committed to get caught. I get what you're saying about the people who get caught have a higher likelihood of getting caught again (recidivism) due to poor decision-making (and passing on said decision-making to other in prison), however I am saying it is not as clear-cut as that.

Jesus Christ you're autistic. "Duhhh why you no take skydiving advice from guy who died skydiving!?!?!??!!?"

no u

Why the fuck would minor shoplifting be a full on felony retard? What kind of retarded nation would do that?

A good nation would put shoplifting retards to death, bro

This, but unironically.

Cut their hand off as the holy book states, bro.


No. We should enslave them and turn them into house pets.

What a fun place to live? Why would anyone pay $3000 a month to live there?

What poorcel talk is this? You want to live in a tiny studio apartment?

I own a home in non dystopian nightmare local.

Found the Missouricel

Some of us are actually able to earn income

I know theses self efficient countrycels, slave to the gas station and the Walmart 10 miles away to not dying from hunger. 😎

Now it's even clearer you're unemployed

I want to vote for a candidate who reestablishes poor houses and the CCC but this time it's mandatory for all NEETs under 40. Non-disabled NEETs over 40 are to be euthanized.

I'd vote for you

Thanks, here are some more of my stances:

  • Death penalty for the losing candidates in an election

  • Term limits enforced via execution of all elected officials at the end of their terms

  • Non-elected public employees are not allowed to own cars or homes, they must rent and take public transportation

  • Ban anime

  • Annex Canada

  • Flat federal income tax of 12%, cover the deficit with new fatty tax of 5% income per BMI point over 24

  • Truly militarize the police, automatic weapons in the hands of all local officers, and monthly training in shooting and tactics

  • Remove legal protection from police officers, any violence against pigs is considered self defense in the eyes of the law

  • Bring back McCarthyism, but also for rightoids

  • 300% gas tax

edit: the more accelerationistpilled move is to not train the cops

Based Singaporean glownigger. Just donated.


Your pulitzer's in the mail

I am a bot. Contact for questions

As long as you also make mental illness not a disability, I'm on board.

I think that the government should basically euthanize all NEETS and then give their parents babies that would otherwise be aborted as sort of a "do over".

Two birds, one stone.

give their parents babies that would otherwise be aborted

that plan involves 50% less killing than it should

I disagree, it's the best way to make everyone mad.


That's not too bad considering Walmart pays 12 bucks an hour and rent is like 450 a month for a 3 bedroom 2 bath apartment. We Missouricels have tons of disposable income once you factor in cost of living. We just spend it all on Bubba Joe's finest trailer park lab crystal meth because there's nothing to fucking do.

Heh. This city-slicker doesn’t know about the road-kill buffet.

Roadkill Stew 😋

Not if you got a gun

I make more money than your and I'm a Marxist Leninist

Sure, but labor credits aren't fungible

This, but unironically


So the suburbs, imagine living in the suburbs and not having constant nightmares. Suburbs are like Lovecraftian horror, the universe screams at their existence. Have fun in the sprawl!

DUDE i just LOVE the hustle and bustle of the big city, it’s so DYNAMIC and makes me feel like i’m in one of my favorite TV SHOWS. you should totally come on down to my studio apartment, it’s got EXPOSED RED BRICK walls and everything, we can crack open a nice hoppy ipa or three and get crazy watching some cartoons on adult swim! and dude, dude, DUDE, we have GOTTA go down to the barcade- listen here, right, it’s a BAR where us ADULTS who do ADULTING can go DRINK. BUT!!!! it’s also an ARCADE like when we were kids, so we can play awesome VIDEO GAMES, without dumb kids bothering us. speaking of which megan and i have finally decided to tie the knot- literally -we’re both getting snipped tomorrow at the hospital, that way we can save money to spent more on ourselves and our FURBABIES. i’m fuckin JACKED man, i’m gonna SLAM this craft beer and pop open another one!!!

Please shit fucking god fucking stop damn it all to hell

I drink nice liquor at home. It's an affordable hobby.

Dude you wouldn't pay 3k a month for unlimited shoplifting?

cause some people learned to code

scat fetishists and shitting street aficionados

There was also the known gang member near Palm Springs who had been caught with a stolen gun valued at $625 and then reacted incredulously when the arresting officer explained that he would not be taken to jail but instead written a citation. “But I had a gun. What is wrong with this country?” the offender said, according to the police report.

When the criminals have more sense than the politicians.

Tfw california makes it easier for criminals to get guns and harder for normal people


Too bad his stolen gun didn't have a threaded barrel. Then they could have imprisoned him for 10 years.

Lol based criminal was tryna get some clout but big gay politicians stopped him

when I was a poor dumb middle schooler I was a master shoplifter, never got caught and nabbed expensive things all the time, but then I finally matured and realized that shit is gay.

What an incredible tale about overcoming adversity. Inspiring, really.

if you stole from a small business but if you stole from Walmart who cares fuck them

either way, still gay


Nothing wrong with borrowing a few things from mr. shekelsteins emporium

There's a special place in hell for thieves.


get a job ya bum

Lmao just stop being poor.

What do you think this bill is trying to do /s


Fuck off back to plebbit

If I didn't put it there, you'd think I actually agree with this piece of shit that's called a bill

For shop owners that is, I'd buy a ticket to Cali if there wasn't the fucking Coronao ver there

If redditards don't understand obvious sarcasm, then take your downboats like a god damn man

fair enough, I'm not hurting for karma or anything

thanks for the advice, kind stranger

I want you to know that I hate you.

Why thank you!

Pete Buttigieg wants to know your location


Nice so if I visit California and start stealing shit from stores I can get away with it?? Time to book my flight!!

You cannot, you will be arrested and it is a misdemeanor on first attempt. A misdemeanor is a crime retard.

That's Mrs demeanor to you.

Why are you so hyped up over this topic?

Because it's saying something bad about socialism.

Don't you recognize our resident tankie?

He's a hapa manlet stuck on perma-seethe mode because white women have become redpilled and realized that he and his kind are subhuman.

He's a troll.

lmao this is how leftists reduce the black crime rate

by classifying the inevitable crimes differently

I witnessed robberies in action in Walgreens a couple of times in SF, they are pretty brazen, the store clerks just walk around with glassy eyes and talk softly through a walkie-talkie, nothing really happens. The thieves just pack everything they can in a few bags and leave. A lot of stuff in Walgreens or Safeway is in a locked glass cabinet, so you have to wait for a lazy uninterested and depressed clerk to walk over and take your Robitussin or bottle of booze to cashiers register.

I once couldn't buy a single burner for my hookah coals in 6 different Walgreens because they were all stolen from there lmao.

It's not a robbery retard, robbery involves use of a weapon. Also your full of shit.

I don't give a shit how they are called, English is my third language. I came to US to steal your shitty job and vote for Barron Trump right after I pass my citizen exam.

No you stupid retard. Robbery is taking something while in the presence of the owner.

That's armed robbery retard


They just put it on paper this already exists elsewhere.

I could write a book called why you shouldn't ever open a retail business in baltimore.

Oh really because I went there the other day and there were plenty and they were doing just fine. I have never seen a single crime in Baltimore and I've spent a great deal of time there. Fucking rural mayos, I'm glad you stay out of the cities, that keeps them great.

I send my friends who visit me into the hood everytime. It's an eye opener.

I got my brother good and had him meet me at hiphopfishnchicken.


You ever get bored of this

u mad blackboi

You've long since broken kayfabe. It's time to drop the act, and admit you're just pretending to be retarded.


Oh man cant see this backfire horribly

There is no no arrest policy, it's a lie. You can be arrested for a misdemeanor retard. You fucking carcerel retards are so ridiculous, just want to make the nation a fascist wasteland. It's literally been years and nothing bad has happened and you're still making shit up.

You absolutely can be arrested for a misdemeanor, otherwise how did I get arrested for a DUI.



yo is weed legal in Cali? Can I just steal a shit ton of weed?

You can steal $900 worth of weed and infect the cashier with AIDS, legally.

Don't forget to cangel your citizenship while you're at it so you have complete immunity


Weed is legal but the weed stores all have a huge bouncer at the door and everything is sold and packed by the clerk so you won't be able to steal anything really.

This is racist.

And that’s $950 daily, not cumulatively over one’s career of “misdemeanor” theft.

Good lord.

Wait so if I go shopping at 11:59 can I steal $1,800 worth of stuff?

Fly to San Francisco, rob a bunch of places, mail yourself the goods, cheaper than Amazon.

This is how im gonna afford a ps5 lol.


So, who's helped by laws like this? Oh that's right.

Im not shock to find out the city that enacted this laws or the group of people that abuse these laws.

Rightwing LGBT, wtf? LoL.

I literally cannot believe this, except it’s San Francisco, so I literally wouldn’t believe it’s any other way.

ian miles chungus needs to be fired into the sun with a cannon

Imagine living in a city that smells perpetually like piss, has human feces on the sidewalk, is filled with people that make Alabama residents look classy, and to top it off is the most expensive city in the nation by housing costs.

San Francisco could sink into the ocean tomorrow and literally nothing of value would be lost.

So is this per store? Gonna go to San Francisco and go shopping!

Makes me homesick.

Literally going full horse shoe


It's misdemeanor. There is no "no arrest" policy, what would that even be? Just making stealing legal? This is for all of California anyway, it's not just San Fransisco retard.

Shut up retard and stop lying. I live there and i can confirm this is absolutely 100% true. I steal stuff all the time and I’ve made over 10k in profits. Legalized stealing is based