Presidential leaks! Admits he’s afraid of the bern.

1  2020-03-03 by McFluff_TheCrimeCat


Wait are you telling me an insecure man is insecure about something? So surprised

They were talking about 2016. Which makes sense since Hillary would've probably gotten all the Bernie vote if he were her VP instead of having 15% to 20% 12% of the Bernie vote go towards Trump.

You're out of your mind if you think I would have voted for Hillary if bernie was her vp.

And yes I did vote for Hillary, and no I cannot name who her vp running mate was.

And yes I did vote for Hillary, and no I cannot name who her vp running mate was.

It was McCain

Can't even remeber who her running mate was. Yet another retarded move by Hilldawg and Co.

Is it confirmed that so many Bernie voters voted Trump, seems to me more like 15 to 20% stayed at home rather than vote Trump?

Naw exit polls showed like 95% of Sanders supporters went for Hillary... Far more than Hillary to Obama voters.

It's kinda funny that Trump won with similar vote share as Romney, accounting for population growth even.

You have to think that a bunch of Bernouts sat at home though. The race was pretty tight so it still could have made a difference.

Maybe but Post VRA state fuckery probably played more a roll tbh

I was misremembering the original percentage. It was actually 12%.


I can only confidently guarantee that the prostitute you end up making tender love to (lol) will shower longer than she usually does after your 5 shameful minutes of disappointing her


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