Radlib discovers the Nicker fanbase

1  2020-03-03 by wholegrain89

Basic rundown, nicker christian makes femboy skyrim comics and is pro-capitalism. Femoid demonrat in deep confusion. Full thread: https://twitter.com/maxcapacity_/status/1234617851794907136

Reddit user (you can find him yourself) spams the femboy comics en masse: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ESI-zf9XsAMSM5k?format=jpg&name=medium

Liberty prime destroys burrito communist femoid: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ESI_V7jW4AAWYkd?format=jpg&name=medium

reddit user has, in fact, subscribed to the 5 solas and read the KJV bible from front to back: https://twitter.com/maxcapacity_/status/1234618900135981056/photo/4

nicker christian is bussypilled: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ESJAKd_WAAAlodl?format=jpg&name=large

anarchist is confused that others are more bussypilled than he is: https://twitter.com/CrustiniB/status/1234657004045684742

bonus stonetoss: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ESMCKeGXsAE3TnM?format=png&name=medium


tl;dr Nick Fuentes makes khajiit boy hentai

Is this somehow part of the groyper gang of young sheltered impressionable white kids I see all over twitter?

Todd did it again.

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