You're not a real man unless you raise another man's biological children.

1  2020-03-04 by Armadildo_


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The “single moms are super moms and deserve the highest of respect!” Is a fucking meme. Imagine thinking taking on a huge financial burden like a child all by yourself with absolutely no certainty on how you were going to provide for one, was a “brave and stunning” thing? Like it’s so bad that literally “single mom” is character trait for these wenches. You having to deal with a screaming 2 year old all alone at 2am in a one bedroom apartment you’re about to get evicted from isn’t brave, it’s fucking retarded and you asked for this.

I dare you to post this in r/breakingmom.

Literally no one praises single moms outside of feminist corners of the internet.

As they shouldn’t.

The most alpha thing you can be is a cuck

The real horseshoe theory.

This is true. If you haven't fucked somebody's Mom you're a weak soyboy tbh.

Going for grannies 🤮😷😳😷🤮

Grannies are even better than Moms. Great Grannies make me coom instantly.

How the fuck do you need pussy so bad that you'd willingly pay for raising some other guys kids. Like holy shit, just buy hoes it's way cheaper.

Fucking counterpoint, my step-dad (now adoptive father) is one of the best people that I know and one of my best friends.

This might have meant more coming from the step-dad, but strangely, it didn't 🤔

Lol schizo

The only single mothers you are allowed to date are widows whose husbands died in a war, a work accident or sacrificing their lives to save others.

Anything else is cuckoldry.


raising someone else’s kids cus some random tard got shot

ok cuck

Anything else is cuckoldry.


The only reason to date a single mother is if you want a threesome

I was gonna start playing league again til I saw they auto filter the N slur now. Noped right out.

Gaming is basically dead.


  1. You're not a real man unless you ra... -,

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How right you are little bot.


Is being a single mother tough? Yes.

Does being a single mother sucks for both the kid and the mother? Absolutely.

Would being a single mother make you more attractive to other men? Hell naw.

I really don't care to explain to you the HUGE difference between dating a single mother and adopting a child. I suspect you know, but you're on a "I'm offended" high that no amount of reason will penetrate. Good luck to you mate... you're gonna need it if this is how you choose to live.

Maybe if the father was dead, the kid was the same race as me and the mom was actually cool.

Well the reward is that this is potentially a higher quality woman than you could get otherwise


All the replies are sensible, I was expecting some soyboy sob stories

Yeah. It’s funny, but it ain’t true drama.