hey where's thereasonwhybidenlost?

1  2020-03-04 by caliberoverreaching




But every comment just says Dementia

I'm waiting for thereasonbernielost to show up

Is it finally over for him?

Its not over unless something crazy happens and Biden wins California, but its not looking good for him.

Its not over unless something crazy happens and Biden wins California

Oh my God. Imagine the collective Berniebros meltdown if this were to happen holy shit

Calexit would turn into LA-and-SF-exit

I'd have to get off of the internet for a bit


You've been permanently banned from participating in r/SandersForPresident

From left to right: the females are liberal arts majors, a fury, a tranny and a male feminist.

You look like a fun gang!

Why do they tell fibs


"Why hello there Jamal, I heard you voted for Biden."

Providing a Safe Space™ from SRD since 2009!


  1. hey where's thereasonwhybidenlost? - archive.org, archive.today

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We still have the general election 🤗