1 2020-03-04 by caliberoverreaching
10 Penis_Retard 2020-03-04
But every comment just says Dementia
4 respaaaaaj 2020-03-04
I'm waiting for thereasonbernielost to show up
3 Penis_Retard 2020-03-04
Is it finally over for him?
Its not over unless something crazy happens and Biden wins California, but its not looking good for him.
1 FoidBlaster 2020-03-04
Its not over unless something crazy happens and Biden wins California
Oh my God. Imagine the collective Berniebros meltdown if this were to happen holy shit
3 amanrobbedofhisdrama 2020-03-04
Calexit would turn into LA-and-SF-exit
2 respaaaaaj 2020-03-04
I'd have to get off of the internet for a bit
1 [deleted] 2020-03-04
3 caliberoverreaching 2020-03-04
You've been permanently banned from participating in r/SandersForPresident
2 Penis_Retard 2020-03-04
This is who you were banned by
2 Lysis10 2020-03-04
From left to right: the females are liberal arts majors, a fury, a tranny and a male feminist.
1 Penis_Retard 2020-03-04
You look like a fun gang!
Why do they tell fibs
1 texanapocalypse33 2020-03-04
"Why hello there Jamal, I heard you voted for Biden."
1 SnapshillBot 2020-03-04
Providing a Safe Space™ from SRD since 2009!
I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers
1 affectionateotter1 2020-03-04
We still have the general election 🤗
10 Penis_Retard 2020-03-04
But every comment just says Dementia
4 respaaaaaj 2020-03-04
I'm waiting for thereasonbernielost to show up
3 Penis_Retard 2020-03-04
Is it finally over for him?
4 respaaaaaj 2020-03-04
Its not over unless something crazy happens and Biden wins California, but its not looking good for him.
1 FoidBlaster 2020-03-04
Oh my God. Imagine the collective Berniebros meltdown if this were to happen holy shit
3 amanrobbedofhisdrama 2020-03-04
Calexit would turn into LA-and-SF-exit
2 respaaaaaj 2020-03-04
I'd have to get off of the internet for a bit
1 [deleted] 2020-03-04
3 caliberoverreaching 2020-03-04
You've been permanently banned from participating in r/SandersForPresident
2 Penis_Retard 2020-03-04
This is who you were banned by
2 Lysis10 2020-03-04
From left to right: the females are liberal arts majors, a fury, a tranny and a male feminist.
1 Penis_Retard 2020-03-04
Why do they tell fibs
1 [deleted] 2020-03-04
1 texanapocalypse33 2020-03-04
"Why hello there Jamal, I heard you voted for Biden."
1 SnapshillBot 2020-03-04
Providing a Safe Space™ from SRD since 2009!
I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers
1 [deleted] 2020-03-04
1 affectionateotter1 2020-03-04
We still have the general election 🤗