chad shares red pilled take, pedos gang rape him

1  2020-03-04 by FUCKYOURITALIN


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Hell hath no fury like a suburban soccer mom cucked, I guess.


  1. chad shares red pilled take, pedos ... -,

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damn i never knew i would have to worry about being slutshamed or victimshaped after I was raped because of what I wear, or being scared in the dark outside.

Just stay inside, or better yet, carry a gun.

Are you serious right now? Name one country where women aren't under much more scrutiny with regards to anything they do. Women face more violence, especially sexual assault and harassment, have been consistently excluded from many industries, meaning they cannot be as competitive, and have struggled to achieve equality. Men are lucky, and while we shouldn't punish ourselves for it, we need to take some responsibility and support the women in our lives over the battles they are fighting. Our generation may be the first to bring almost complete equality to everyone, and it starts here.

The gender equality score of the usa leans female. imagine thinking women have no advantage in life. They live life on below easy mode.

I hope these people aren’t actually using the term incel IRL. I’m a zoomercel myself and I haven’t seen this yet.

I wish all subs made commentators list their age.