Trump is going to lose against biden change my mind

1  2020-03-04 by ImSimpleGuy

Even taking out social media, Trump is already a pretty divisive figure in the states (no moderate support). Biden is already the type of guy most Americans would like as a president (white senile boomer)

Also being Obama's VP he is less controversial than someone like hilldawg and more likable (especially among minorities). If he can dunk on daddy's screw-ups (which tbh is not that hard) and shut up about gun control, he is poised for a very possible win.


Nah trump is the rich bully everyone pretends to hate but secretly thinks he cool. Joe Biden is the weird kid that eats worms

Don't even try to kinkshame me. My kinks are my business.


  1. Trump is going to lose against bide... -,

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No matter who loses, r/Drama wins.

I don't think so.

Trump isn't a very popular incumbent, but he hasn't exactly done anything to piss off the base (in fact, theyve doubled down) or the average person. Most people care about the economy and kitchen table issues, and the growth that started under Obama has continued. Impeachment was a colossal failure and it made the Dems look bad. No war with Iran is a plus, and if the troops withdraw from Afghanistan, it's a big win for him.

Biden's best chance was 2016, but going up against an incumbent (even one like Trump) is harder. The Ukraine stuff isn't going to help either.

If he does win, he could die in office and his VP (Pete or Beto) might lose in 2024 (there's supposed to be a recession 2022). I could someone like Crenshaw or Rubio winning that year.

If the Economy is good, I could easily see the election being about likeability, especially for the crucial suburban voting block republicans clinge on to win swing states

And Biden being senile could even help him having a "nice old grandpa" schtick while Trump is more of an "angry uncle". Being aggressive in the debates could really hurt Trump if he is too aggressive and Biden too senile, as people would perceive Trump as too mean to a helpless Biden.

Although, who would vote for a helpless and weak president? I think a surprising amount would, actually.

But many things can still happen in the couple of months until the election, so who knows.

Rubio winning that year.

nonsense, a foid will win before that squeaky robot gets anywhere near the executive

Alright, maybe Martha McSally, Mary Fallin, Kristi Noem, or even Ivanka.

what about Nikki Haley? the con media seems to love her

Shit I totally forgot about her. A Republican Indian Woman President would kill the Dems and make curry-cels a GOP voting Bloc forever.

Why is it not more likely that obese Trump dies in office?

Biden will huff one of his own farts during one of the debates and trump will say something like “look at this retard huffing farts 😂😂😂😂” and then trump will win in a landslide

While this would, obviously, be best for drama coin it isn't very realistic. I think Trump will beat Biden fairly handily. However, I do think we have a very good chance of one or more of the following:

  • Dueling senior moments

  • The first onstage fistfight between a sitting president and his opponent.

  • Trump's cheeseburger and well done steak with ketchup clogged heart exploding on live tv.

  • Joe Biden getting serious pedophile accusations put out.

  • Don Jr. and Hunter Biden having a celebrity boxing match.

my copout is that the race is 50/50, though any other candidate would be much worse off (Warren would be like 5/95, she is so unelectable she had the worst Senate result in 2012 and in 2018 if we adjust states for partisanship)

Biden has an advantage in that he has possibly the best electoral college path way (fly-overs and southern boomers like him marginally more than other dems, plus he doesn't have that socialist thing going for him in Florida), BUT Trump's approval rating is now at it's highest, he still has a great electoral college path and who knows if zoomers are going to vote when Biden won't promise to bribe them with free college and other goodies

though I also think his gaffes won't play a role at all, he's somehow teflon just like Trump, no matter how outrageously stupid thing he says, it never sticks to him

It all depends on whether the economy bounces back from the Corona bender.