Breed of Peace out for his daily walk and mauling but what's worse; an unprovoked doggy murder or an owner unwilling to risk losing their face to step in? Redditors discuss.

1  2020-03-04 by Rivea_


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I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


  1. Breed of Peace out for his daily wa... -,

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How dare someone in a sudden, shocking situation not think through a problem logically and come up with an efficient response. As we all know, when someone is in a distressing situation their mental capabilities are hyper focused and they can plan their options like a slow motion chess game. She should have trained to become a finely oiled operator like me rather than having friends and a social life.

A nice kick or knee to the ribs from the owner would do the trick.

She froze in panic. It's a pretty common response to this kind of situation. You can give hypotheticals and talk about all the moves you would totally do in her situation, but at the end of the day, you don't know what you'd do until it happens.

Having multiple pits that play rough I’ve had to break up fights many times. I know most people wouldn’t know what to do though...

You're a bad person and you need to put bullets in every one of your shitbulls before they give ouch kisses to a small child.

Lol they’re the sweetest dogs. They love people and they are very gentle with my 2 year old. Please explain how I’m a bad person and why such well trained sweet dogs need to be put down?

THeY'rE tHeSwEeTeSt DoGs. Heckin' good pupperinos. This is why you're a bad person and your dogs need to be put down.

You are ignorant. labs have a higher percentage of biting people then pits yet people ignore that. If you neglect your dogs or train them to be viscous then yes you are a bad person and they should be put down but my dogs are not in that boat. Plus I live in the cuts so the only chance of them attacking someone is if they trespass on my property and I give the command to go after them. (Only if I feel my family is at risk). I do hope you stumble onto my property some day(: you seem very set on your opinion and I know a man convinced against his will is of the same opinion so I will wish you farewell and I genuinely hope you have a good life. One without dogs in it of course.

Yawn 😔

Yes, Labs may bite more but their are many more Labs than pibbles, and lab bites don't send you to the hospital. Pibbles make up less than all 6% of all dogs yet account for more than 50% of dog bites that require hospitalization and 67% of all people killed by dogs.

They make up less than 6% of the dog population but account for 90% of all interspecies violence.

Did you know pibbles about the same amount of people last year as police killed unarmed black men?

You are talking about dogs that are not trained by a police K9 trainer . I get that pit bulls can be fucked up and need to be put down I am not arguing that fact. You think my dogs need to be put down because they share the same breed of viscous dogs. You have never met my dogs. Your arguments are null when it comes to them. Like I said I wish you a farewell and have a good life.

What makes your dogs breeding any different from that if all other Pitbull? Were they not bred for gameness or aggression to be used in blood sport and dog fighting, like every other breed

You think my dogs need to be put down because they share the same breed of viscous dogs. You have never met my dogs. Your arguments are null when it comes to them

That is like saying

You think my dogs tigers need to be put down because they share the same breed of viscous cats and kill hundreds in the would. You have never met my tigers. Your arguments are null when it comes to them.

And training pibbles as police k9 dogs is the dumbest shit I have ever heard, pits were bred for gameness and to find to the death. Once they bite (in most cases) they are not going to let go until the target is dead or they are incapacitated. Why run the risk of mauling the complete shit out of some one when your pibble refuses to listen to the release command?

Most maulings and deaths come from very well trained pibbles that either snap, or bite bite and don't let go.

Having multiple pits that play rough I’ve had to break up fights many times.

This is why your dogs need to be put down. So much for that training.

They're so sweet that you have to stop them from killing each other?

Didn't you read his reply sweaty? He is a police K9 trainer and trains the breed of peace as police dogs.

Dude must REALLY hate black people, God knows how many basketballs are gonna get life changing ouch kisses from the dogs he trains.

I'd have kicked your shin and pushed you over and watched your pits eat you because thats what you deserve for owning pits.

They would just lay down and cuddle with me(: They don’t like people who’s irresponsibility kills babies though.

Having multiple pits that play rough I’ve had to break up fights many times.

They don’t like people who’s irresponsibility kills babies though.


Raising pits that "play rough"... you're a danger to society.

Not for a pitbull it wouldn't. They fight bears in pits. The only way to get them to stop is to wrap a leash around their neck and choke them out.

The only way to get them to stop is to wrap a leash around their neck and choke them out.

Or put a gun up their butt or something like that.

What is the maximum acceptable amount of time to take to respond to your dog getting attacked

Dude just stay calm and fight a pitbull as a small women.

de-escalation blowies tho

Yeah, when the pitbull bites the shit out of your face and arm for getting in it's way remember that's just the price you pay for being a "good" dog owner in the eyes of the internet!Fucking end me

Thats why you carry a pittie aerator.

So no response? Ayyy pibble kisses for everyone

More like you should never expect people to be able to do things when distressed. Most people just lock up and it's not really their fault. You almost certainly wouldn't do much better.

Pitbulls would go for redditors first because they're tiny and can smell weakness.

That's what the other woman was doing, and she was winning. You r/dogfree pussies need to man up and beat a feral dog into submission.

Lmao she's so retarded that she put an extendable leash on a pitbull, don't talk like she knew what she was doing

Last week there was a pregnant woman with 3 fingers who lived on a ranch. She kept shooting pitbulls with a shotgun because they were eating her dogs but they still kept eating the dogs and ran for her until she shot them some more.

I hope it wasnt a larp because holy shit.

Also they tell you to choke a dog to get it to let go of a bite. Literally nothing else will work. You have to wrap the leash around its neck and squeeze but there is no way in hell I'd expect a tiny ass woman to do this or most people to even know this. Especially in mental shock.

That was totally a larp, and the other way to get the dog to let go is to stick your finger up his ass.

I...I think ill try choking a dog first...

what if that just excited them more

Then you start stroking their prostate and rub their doggy dick until they whimper and shoot out doggy cum all over your hand, unclenching their jaw.

People react differently to distress dumbass. Many people just freeze. People like to to talk shit about how they'd be a big badass and karate chop the dog in half, but when it comes time to preform most don't do shit.

You r/dogfree

Lmao I'm not dogfree in the least you mong.

However long it takes you to draw your handgun, take off the safety and rack a round.

I love that video where a pitbull walks into a guys house and just shoots it dead while his kid is filming it on his phone and the owner (a woman because of course it was) started yelling and crying

On tinder in the silicon valley 1 in 3 foids have a pitbull in their pics.

I'm so fucking happy Im gay and hate dogs you have no idea.

Post it

Put my dad shot a pitbull like and subscribe into youtube

Imagine not having one in the chamber lmao

Former governer of texas Rick Perry did exactly that. As governer he shot a coyote while walking his dog. He's unfathomably based.

Reported for anti-Semitism


She should have trained to become a finely oiled operator like me rather than having friends and a social life.

this but unironically, look at how this operator took care of the problem and wrote an After Action Report for others

he still sinned by bringing that creature in to permanently condition his daughters to the dog pill

think of it more as pitbull vaccination

prophylactic controlled light maulings when

while you were having a normal life I was studying the dogfight

... and with women owners..

When my Pitt would assault someone I'd just pick her up

She was small and fat

Imagine owning a breed so shitty it assaulted people multiple times

It’s so weird, the comments are all making it seem like neither owner made an attempt to break it up at all and are calling the lady with the small dog a narcissist.

Their reactions honestly seemed pretty normal to me.

Do they think that a 145 lb foid isn’t scared of an attacking pit?

It lasted a total of 10 seconds. Incredible that Reddit thinks they would have done anything different.

Reddit: Where everyone is badass who would be able to calmly and easily analyze any situation and come up with the most logical response regardless of stress/panic

Paradox of being able to view a video clip and spend a minute coming up with a best plan of action. This happens on every single “in-the-moment” scenario posted on this website and every time a million retards will openly ponder why they didn’t have their full guard up at all times and make split second decisions and immediately put themselves into certain harm.

Internet tough guys

Rememeber every chapo user thinks they can punch a nazi

damn, that dog fucking killed that little fluffball with hugs and kisses.

Foids and dogs are worse than foids and 6 cats.

All my neighbours are foids with shitty dogs it fucking sucks.

Dude, shitbulls LMAO

You must not be around pits to often. Pits play very rough with each other. You should always intervene if they start playing to rough to prevent them from getting to the point of trying to tear each other’s throats out. When I step in they stop and listen to me.

