It's over for Manlet Mike

1  2020-03-04 by The_Live_Ghost


Hell hath no fury like a suburban soccer mom cucked, I guess.


  1. It's over for Manlet Mike -,*

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He was supposed to be Obama for short men like me 😢


to everyone's massive surprise, it's turns out that you actually can't buy an election straight-up.

You do realize he lost more than 700 million on the stock drop the other day. He was prepared to fuck Bernie in any way just to keep stocks up and now dropping out is fucking him. Mission accomplished.

I know that, but he still didn't buy the election, which was his ultimate goal. Biden is good for his money, himself is best for his money.

He didn't lose anything unless he sold his investments instead of holding.

You can however buy 18%, which ain't bad.

His return on investment from helping close out Bernie and Warren will make it worthwhile.

Honestly shocked

Nooooo. Boombros this wasn't supposed to end like this.

Guys the great Dementia Debate is going to happen.

Donald "The Best Incoherent Words" Trump vs. Joe "The Child Sniffing Anachronism" Biden

First Presidential debate will be September 29, so be sure to take the 30th off work because you will still be drunk if you are playing the bingo I am going to make.

Daddy has been unusually coherent lately.

You gotta catch him in the one hour window after the amphetamines hit, don't worry they'll get some for Joe too.

Interestingly, a ton of surgeons use adderall!

And he endorsed Joe Biden. Holy shit