enlightenedcentrism is reacting reasonably to finding out internet support doesn't equal votes

1  2020-03-04 by -M-o-X-


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I go to a liberal Bernie bar in a 90% Trump supporting area. Can't wait to hear all the cope tonight.

You can say gay bar, its okay we like bussy here

it's a married people bar which is even worse. mainly because i can't call them fat gay retards until the 2nd date.

edit: fat

How. How the fuck do black people not know. How does the most trampled on and marginalized race in this countries history not fucking know who their allies are. I'm so ashamed and disappointed.

Edit: yes native Americans were and are treated equally or worse.


Ah I love redditers


And they don't have to prove their citizenship when voting because they're too retarded to have a state ID lololol

full OP post for posterity now it got deleted:

Ok, maybe I should save this for tomorrow, but I am so fucking devastated right now. Jesus fucking Christ, the fact that Biden has any chance, let alone being the predicted nominee at this point is absurd.

Remember when it seemed for a while that Roy Moore was going to lose the Alabama Senate race to a democrat, because he's a fucking paedophile, but then to the surprise of all the liberals who thought Republicans still had decency, it turned out that they're completely willing to stand behind our guy.

Well congrats democrats on proving yourselves no fucking better. Congrats on proving that you're willing to elect someone whose behaviour around women is comparable to that of Jimmy fucking Saville. Congrats on proving that some borderline dementia patient who stands for absolutely nothing, and probably isn't even sane enough to run for president is your choice.

But y'know, every democratic darling was completely unfit for presidency. National Service Pete, aka mr "I get funding from the state department and CIA, and will likely bomb and coup any country I'm told to", Bloomberg, for whom apparently stop and frisk programs are "discriminatory towards whites" because in his vision of a world your skin colour is a crime(Who has 40 outstanding sexual harassment cases by the way, because systemic rape and misogyny is what our entire civilisation is built on). Biden was the tip of the fucking iceberg for these people.

In any sane democracy, the fact that there's any chance of two sex-pests barely able to form coherent sentences running against each other would be absurd.

The so called "Moderate Democrat" is a hate-driven ideological extremist who will rally behind their fashy leaders just the same as the alt-right. They try and smear us as hateful extremists and ideologues because it's sheer projection. They know full well they have no conviction, an inability to compromise, and hate for anyone who disagrees with them.

It's well known that fascists have a tendency to fall in line behind their leaders right and wrong because they're driven more by hate and insecurity in their position on social hierarchy. Well congrats on proving yourselves as fascists, you liberal scumbags. You've proven that you hate us leftists so much that you will rally behind Joe Fucking Biden, who is by all metrics the most incompetent leader you could, just to spite us and to maintain your fucking starbucks lattes and wall street yuppie jobs.

The far-left on the other hand splinters itself a hundred times over minor ideological differences. Do you know why?, Because we actually fucking care, we actually believe in something. We're the ones who are willing to compromise on our positions out of pragmatism, we're the ones who are willing

I'm sick and fucking tired of the sheer vitriol and hate I get for being one of the few ACTUALLY moderate people out here. Because the far-left IS the moderate, yet every single time I try and compromise my position and rally behind a candidate half-way between my beliefs and the status quo, I get treated like an invader whose destroying your parties from the inside, and responsible for all your problems.

I'm fucking tired of the vitriol liberals have towards leftists, to the extent that they'll back Joe Biden just to fucking spite us, blame us on their inevitable loss to Trump, claim w'ere invading THEIR party that they apparently have a god-given right to maintain as the status quo, and treating us like toxic trash to be discarded because we don't support the murder of Yemeni children, or people dying from lack of healthcare.

You know whose going to win this election if it comes between Biden and Trump?, Saudi Arabia. Because our only chance of having a president who actually wants world peace will be fucking ruined.

Dear Liberals, Dear Biden Voters: You may start noticing that you're being haunted by the ghosts of dead Yemeni children, bombed in the ongoing total war waged by Saudi Arabia which makes no distinction between civilians and military personnel.

Any future wars in the Middle East are your fault. Our continued support of Saudi Arabia in their genocidal campaign will be your fault. The next refugee crisis will be your fault. That's what you get for not voting for peace. You get bombed children.

As a pacifist, I have to say: I fucking hate all of you. All of you are as bad as George W fucking Bush. The CIA are going to keep building up unlimited, unquestioned power to terrorise American citizens with, countries you can't even point out on a map will get invaded.

Enjoy the slow decline in to tyranny that the US has been facing for decades now. Hope you enjoy being spied on by the NSA. And when the time finally comes that all the war and poverty and climate disaster is too much, and the National Guard start arresting dissidents on the street, because of the unchecked power of authoritarian warmongers is what causes all that fucking shit: You could have stopped this, but instead you chose to be fascists.

look im gunna have 2 ask u 2 keep ur giant dumps in the toilet not in my replys 😷😷😷

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Watching these lefties sperg out and thinly veil their racism is quite fun.

Someone needs to post all of this racist shit to AgainstHateSubreddits. Weird how the left-wing on Reddit hates black people all of a sudden now that they didn't vote for their Lord and Savior.

thinly veil

I dunno, today felt like they weren't even hiding it anymore. Just like the last time Bernie lost all the black states.

Are there any European countries that would take us?

Europe will always welcome anyone in need.

Stay the fuck away from us, burgers. We don't want your retards here.

I love how they completely ignore how large parts of Europe are trying their hardest to keep "people in need" out.

Didn't Poland recently have 1/3rd of the country declare itself an "anti-lgbt" zone? Something tells me when redditors sing praise to Yurop, they just mean the white-white people countries, and not the southern or eastern parts of it

When redditors praise Europe, they're praising the fantasy-land image they've concocted from internet hearsay and straight up misinformation about a couple of Nordic countries, the Netherlands, and France. The majority of Western Europe is a lot closer to the US in terms of most of their political positions than the average redditor is capable of accepting, the fact that the other half of the continent is essentially a bunch of independent states with laws complimentary to fucking Alabama and Mississippi is completely incompatible with the fairytale they're addicted to referencing.

iN sWeDeN, bErNiE wOuLd Be CoNsIdErEd RiGhT oF cEnTeR, wHiLe HiLlArY BiDeN wOuLd Be LiTeRaLlY hItLeR

burgers being ignorant

It's not even true lol, go ahead and try to get a visa to the kind of euro countries they always drool over. Useful people can of course but useful people don't post in that sub.

Yuropoors out!

At least I can get kisses from the breed of peace without having to pay 100k of medical bills 😂😂

100k in medical bills

Not every burger has shit health insurance.

Yeah idk, I pay $60 a month for a $4k out of pocket max and $2k deductible on my health insurance.

And pay substantially less taxes


Aren't you fags filled with Muslims?

And that's a good thing 😎

Europe will always welcome anyone in need.

Only if you're brown tho, otherwise you have to be a smart white guy.


No hope for bernfags then.

No, just a rich white guy.

AKA a republican

This is but a taste of the drama to come when orange man wins.

I believed that most of the candidates had a chance against Trump, but Biden doesn’t.

That’s objectively dumb. Biden was always the only one with a shot.

Well according to the polls that is incorrect

The only poll that matters is the actual ballot.

This is why I do hope Bernie some how wins the democrat vote. If he loses and biden loses the election Reddit will just be same old if only Bernie was the one. But if Bernie loses the trump I can't imagine the melt down on the internet as their dream scenario doesn't work in reality.

This is just me being optimistic but I'm really hoping if he does win, the sheer magnitude of TDS is so overwhelming to the hivemind that it evolves into Trump Apathy Syndrome where people are so disillusioned that they hardly react to anything he does anymore.

I'm thinking Jonestown.

Heavens Gate tho

They had the fashion, but J-Town has the scene

Number of Jonestown castrations: 0

Number of Heaven's Gate castrations: 8

a clear winner

I was hoping Waco or a leftist taking the Tim McVeigh pill when she 41%s.

At this point I think Biden winning would cause them to seethe more.

i don’t even understand why they hate biden so much

They'll have to pay back their student loans if he wins.


What do you mean my political echo chamber where I ban everyone with a different opinion doesn’t represent an equal proportion of the real world?

If you support free speech, you must support people pinging other users. It's completely legal speech. If you won't defend pinging as free speech because you or someone else finds it disgusting, then no speech that you or anyone else views as disgusting is safe.

>if it is in fact on shaky legal ground it's reasonable to not want to be the case that establishes it as illegal.

It's not, The reddit admins are straight up lying to the ignorant (like yourself) to justify their prejudice. Pinging being protected speech has long since been estabilished, as it has undeniable artistic merit. The only time it's been included under any obscenity laws is when someone is being charged with possession of harassment, so the state can slap them with more charges. The courts have been very careful to not charge anyone for pinging, because they'd get their asses fucking annihilated by a higher court due to the firm precedence of pinging being completely legal speech. /r/Drama had nothing to worry about, this guy was just making shit up to fool people into thinking his censoring wasn't entirely personally motivated.


  1. enlightenedcentrism is reacting rea... - archive.org, archive.today*

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The so called "Moderate Democrat" is a hate-driven ideological extremist who will rally behind their fashy leaders just the same as the alt-right

Imagine being this fucking stupid hahahahaha

hate-driven ideological extremist

Lmao this coming from what I assume is a chapo

So he's saying there's absolute no difference between a republican and a democrat? How r/enlightenedcentrism.

Am I wrong about the makeup of America?

No, it is the voters who are wrong.

Well, the voters are also wrong. Burgers are fucking stupid.

As an actual moderate Democrat, I find people who think I'm evil to be so persuasive. Guess I'll go join the revolution now /s

I was about to agree with your point but then I saw



Don’t care didn’t ask

Plus you’re a woman

Good morning

Come join us on the environmental right. We have guns, camping, and the state-mandated incarceration of far leftists.

Those are all good things, but the problem is that you’re a bunch of faggots, even more ineffectual that the environmental left.

I think hanging out with a bunch of other dudes in the woods and buttfucking might not be appealing to the mainstream, but I don't give a shit about electoral success.

Bussy over all, always smart 👍

Sounds like a moderate version of my current ideology, monarcho primitivism

Sounds tempting! After a bunch of years being online enough to see firsthand how crazy the extremes of both sides are, I've settled phosophically on radical centrism. But I like sane people of any label.

I like insane people that love to mock and ridicule people who take anything seriously and who then beat off repeatedly onto the roots of ponderosa pines.

/s-posters will be first against the wall


 User was banned for /s posting

Why don't you guys make a bot or something to deal with this shit. I see /s posters in every other thread these days smh.


How can they type that out without their head hurting? They must be SO angry.

For a subreddit called enlightened centrism , they sure don't seem very centrist, and most definitely not enlightened.

There is literally no diffirence between being a moderate and being a nazi you fucking moron, you absolute imbecile.

Day of the Reddit-wide longpostbot when?

MLK Jr was right, the biggest obstacle to progress is white moderates. And sadly, minority moderates as well.

Just kill all the moderates. It will work this time ☭

Im angry devasteted and confused. I really thought for a second the working class woke up.

In pretty sure the auto mechanic from PA isn't on his mind and by "working class" he means the NEET tranny furries that post on Twitter.

the biggest obstacle to progress is white moderates

Hey Siri, show me which demographics voted for Joe Biden!

God that stupid fucking quote

The quote: ‘I must confess that over the past few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to 'order' than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice [...]’

Hey MLK that's not a moderate you dumbass.

No, that is exactly a moderate.

I mean the dude's career was ultimately successful and it is well understood that his ideology was one of unity and compassion.

Imagine being such a fucking retard that you think, given the insurmountable amount of context around MLK jr, that you think his pissed off edgy prison memoir is more relevant than his "I Have A Dream" speech.

peak enlightenedcentrism

Where’s that comment “the real world is not a communist Internet forum” that comment really dunked on that entire subreddit for all time

Imagine being 21 years old and you've spent your entire adolescence on social media, chatrooms, forums, watching YouTube videos and browsing reddit. Perhaps you've made a few friends at school, but never very many, and now that school is over with and you're expected to actually put forth effort into human relationships, you inevitably find yourself drifting more and more into an online persona. It gets to the point where you spend most of your days online talking to strangers you've convinced yourself are your friends, yet don't even know their real names. If this is you, you do not live in reality.

The internet is full of people allowing the less socially acceptable parts of their personalities to come to the forefront. Arguing politics or religion isn't very polite in real life, but it's fair game online. This leads to large portions of the internet dedicated to political thought being overrun by passionate partisans and fanatics because the only people who care to talk about these things online are those with views the real world finds fringe to talk about. In reality, most people dont give a shit, are moderates, or just parrot whatever politics the television news station they chose to watch tells them.

What I'm trying to say is that the actual political landscape of the real world is not extreme or hyper-partisan. Most people are just living their lives and couldn't give a shit who or what you vote for.

But for those who live online, who were raised online, and who's whole view of the world was formed from the websites they visit and forums they post on, it is a very different world they live in. Due to the fanatical nature of online political content, these people disconnected from the real world are fed a fanatical's worldview.

What is the fanatical worldview? That the world is at war and great change is needed in order to stop evil from prevailing.

Is it a coincidence that most mass shooters spent huge amounts of time online? Where is their worldview coming from?

We are devoting too much time into our cyber personas. People can no longer tell the difference between the internet and real life. The world is not at war. Talk to your neighbors, make friends, live. Please for the love of God get off the internet.

That's great and all, but I asked for my burger without cheese.

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I was hoping for more /r/enoughsandersspam seethe, but /r/enlightenedcenrism seethe is also pretty goo


That award bar 😂

Those bastards deserved it. The good guys win. The dramautists triumph. Inshallah