Israelis somehow able to form a New World Order but not a parliamentary government

1  2020-03-04 by TheLordHighExecu


This is what happens when your nation is divided in three, you got the right wing israelis on one side, the left wing israelis on the other, and the arabs on the third, all refusing to work with each other because they want to kill the others

Plus you’ve got all the bussy drunk Israelis egging on the entire Arab world.

Absolutely Weimar

I hope the Taliban gov goes to Israel next. What are the Jews going to do? Nuke Afghanistan? You can't break what's already been broken.

You can’t break what’s already been broken

“Watch me bitch”

-Every NATO country currently in the Middle East

They tried that with Afghanistan back in 2001. Nothing happened and now the Taliban are back.


israeli jews are not in the NWO

they have their historic Holy Land. the "NWO" wants burgerland to be their new holy land

Is Israel their Australia? 🤯🤯🤯

Do flat Israelers believe Australia doesn't exist? o.0


Imagine thinking real jews even exist

They have so much fucking rape semen in them they're probably the most multicultural mono race on the entire planet

That whole post is essentially everyone taking it seriously are admitting to being worthless little weeby shits. It is so glorious when they put themselves like that!


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I am all alone (poor me) in the White House waiting for the Democrats to come back and make a deal on desperately needed Border Security. At some point the Democrats not wanting to make a deal will cost our Country more money than the Border Wall we are all talking about. Crazy!


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Oy Gevalt!

All Joos, no goyim - who you're going to take stuff from? lmao

Of course they're going to debate 24/7/365

well its easier to govern over the american politicians with lobby. just throw some money.

Failure to form a coalition with a parliamentary majority has been a regular event in Israel for the past 20 years. There's a reason why "ask 3 Jews a question and you'll get 4 answers" is a common proverb over there.