How Esurance Lost Its Mascot to the Internet

1  2020-03-04 by snallygaster


When you’re in a board room designing a corporate mascot, gender is always a part of the conversation,” Brewe says. “And that conversation always goes, ‘Do we make the zebra a woman or a man? Let’s make it a man, because there won’t be as much porn of it.

The internet truly is the greatest technological leap that humanity ever achieved.

I fucking love the future.

Every marketing board needs a 4chan level autist in it. It would solve a lot of problems.

Dudes rock


She wasn't even that hot.

Is that shego or whatever from Kim possible?

Not sure. We should ask Lawlz.

Don't draw someone hot if you don't want porn made of them.

Let's be real drawing anything that can be anthropomorphized will be made into porn.

THe corrolary to that is that everything can be anthropomorphized because human brains are inherently wired to try to do that.

The best thing about this article is how it directed the reader specifically to the exact locations to find this stuff.

Wow, you just proved what an absolute retard you are.


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Imagine buying insurance because a fucking cartoon told you to.

Snally is GOAT