Why didn't you vote? Thread on askreddit. Sort by controversial for the tears.

1  2020-03-04 by Standard12


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Not old enough :( Bernie 2020

You don't say...

And what? Vote for the democrat who's going to blast me in the ass? Or the republican who's going to blast my ass? Either way, politics is all one big ass blasting.

Shoulda voted for Bussyjudge

Not American but it's clear your system is rigged. I agree with everyone saying their vote doesn't matter because it literally doesn't.

Wouldn't be a thread on America if a Euro didn't pop in with his Howard Zinn-tier takes

I vote in the primaries but the presidential election isn’t decided by my vote. It’s decided by the electoral college. I’m just a part of the popular vote otherwise Hillary would’ve been president in 2016

Someone who failed basic civics who also doesn't vote? Cool by me

They dont let me. As an immigrant the country will gladly take my money from taxes but they wont let me have a say in who I'll allow to decide how that money is spent.

Lol suck it up or go home pussy

And what? Vote for the democrat who's going to blast me in the ass? Or the republican who's going to blast my ass? Either way, politics is all one big ass blasting.

This is a quote from its always sunny, but the sentiment is somewhat accurate

border jumper thinks he should be allowed to sneak in and then vote?

I want America to allow this just so the entire population of Russia can turn up at the polling station.

Wouldn't be a thread on America if a Euro didn't pop in

And who's fault is that?

You think Britain allowed such leftie retards back in the day? Even John Stuart Mill was all about civilising savages. Hell even the most progressive of roaches denies the Armenian ooopise.

What happened?

They need better quotes, I can't take them quoting the witcher seriously.

Agreed we need more cape or wand shit references

Terminal autism

Which quotes are these?

holy fuck the berniebros are mad as shit in that thread.

Wonderful find

Thread is basically “fellow communist youth: why arent you ashamed that you didn’t vote for Bernie”

I really want to go in there and start Tedposting at people.

In any technologically advanced society the individual’s fate MUST depend on decisions that he personally cannot influence to any great extent. A technological society cannot be broken down into small, autonomous communities, because production depends on the cooperation of very large numbers of people and machines. Such a society MUST be highly organized and decisions HAVE TO be made that affect very large numbers of people. When a decision affects, say, a million people, then each of the affected individuals has, on the average, only a one-millionth share in making the decision. What usually happens in practice is that decisions are made by public officials or corporation executives, or by technical specialists, but even when the public votes on a decision the number of voters ordinarily is too large for the vote of any one individual to be significant. Thus most individuals are unable to influence measurably the major decisions that affect their lives. There is no conceivable way to remedy this in a technologically advanced society.

When did tedposting go out of fashion here? I swear for a while every thread had the anprim 14 words.

Now it's just typical reddit chains where someone says "the industrial revolution" and people jerk themselves off for getting the reference

I miss that. A lot of people could benefit from Uncle Ted's wisdom.

When did tedposting go out of fashion here?

Dem primaries plus everyone just tickled their bussies at the thought of Daddy vs Dementia Daddy.

So 2020 happend basically.

Use your alt for that forbidden action.

Cause I'm a chinese spy also a leaf

Vooters on suicide watch

You are the idiot that the next Hitler is counting on to sit by and be complacent because they didn’t start by coming for you.

Really everything under https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/fdf5ur/young_americans_who_dont_vote_why_dont_you/fjh5c0k/ is just top notch.

I understand that empathy is great for society. And yeah a lot of people bring up morals a lot which is wierd because to me thats just makimg up rules and shaming others for not following them.


"there's no such thing as unaffected"

Fine, "adversely affected", better you disingenuous pedant? This line always pisses me off, because everyone with half a brain understands the unspoken adversely, but these great philosophers have to come in and jerk each other off for pretending not to.

Seriously. If pornhub is suggesting cuck porn for you, it's because their algorithm has determined, scientifically, that you're a cuck. That's all.


  1. Why didn't you vote? Thread on askr... - archive.org, archive.today

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I feel like that monster on the The Outsider. All the drama today has revitalized me and put me in a great mood.

Guys if you don’t vote you’re literally enabling the next Hitler. You might as well be dispensing the Zyklon B yourself if you refuse to choose between an old man who will raise your taxes and an old man who will lower your taxes.

They really are always one step from gulagging each other.

Why can't you sort by most downvoted:(

I dont feel like I put in the time to make an educated decision.

Lol, look at this guy. It's about participation, dumbass.

Just turn up, find the guy with the funniest name, and draw a dick next to it. That's it. You've done your civic duty.

I love seeing reddit realize the rest of the country disagrees with them and thinks they’re pathetic faggots.