Star Wars: The Last Jedi Director Rian Johnson Admits He Didn't Care About Star Wars Canon And History

3  2020-03-04 by TheColdTurtle


doesn't care about Star Wars

I agree with him whoever he is.

Haha get it, this guy doesn't even know who directed Star wars! haha isn't that funny because it's even right in the title of this post! Wow what a real comedic genius!

It's cool that he doesn't know that

Star Wars is for fags and children




Getting mad at people who like something popular is the biggest cope of all.





When was the last time it was highly acclaimed, 1999?

I didn't even see the movie and knew this about him before he admitted it. And loved him for it. And I don't even know who the fuck he is outside this one piece of trivia.

World building is for 19th century German operatic composers and 20th century english philologists

This century is all about showing how angry you are at mom and dad


Subversion is like the worst word to make into pop culture

Besides deconstruction, which is an incredibly pretentious way of saying subversion

Sometimes you say things that make me think you might have the capacity to be more than a front-end webdev.

He thinks about this a lot.

I'm a full stack dev, I do not middle and database work than front end work actually.

My astounding ability to accurately evaluate someone's programming talent from their comments on r/drama amazes even me. If only I had a similar talent for evaluating people's programming ability from their programming interviews.

Solution: make them write drama comments

there are two types of people, one understands binary thebsyshwnsjkandbshsjjsbr sksjsudnjene

If I hear one more faggot call Evangelion a deconstruction one more time I swear to god

it's tvtropes """culture""" leaking into the spawning grounds of culture. there must be a named tvtropes page for when this exact thing happens.

Nerd media has taken worldbuilding too far. We've gotten to the point where the extra that accosts Luke in the cantina gets his own novel where he's a Hannibal Lector level serial killer.

Even the people behind Star wars don't give a fuck about Star Wars

Spaceshit-cels BTFO 😂😂😂

Are spaceshitters lower than capeshitters yet?

They were the original capeshitters

No, ringshitters were the original capshitters

Ringshit didn't last as long though.

It is still going strong 70 years later.

I was thinking of the movies.

I don't care what you were thinking

Oh okay 😞 I guess that's fair I just that thought we had... NVM it's too painful😢

No, ringshit and capeshit are about as old as each other if you're counting The Hobbit on the one hand and Superman on the other. Spaceshit goes back to the previous century at least.

Capeshitters are the worst. But is there even a difference between the two anymore?

Capeshitters have more male feminists but less incels.

Have you seen /r/moviescirclejerk lately? It's been "Leftoids watch Disney products" for years now.

Why the fuck would I go there when I can have a conversation with other alcoholics who also took 2 or 3 film classes at /r/redlettermedia

Capeshitters are even more disconnected from reality. I mean with starshittery, at least space travel is a thing. Starshitters just believe in the nerdery and perhaps some moral message.

Capeshitters vicariously live through men in bodytight clothing being admired by the whole world or saving the day for humanity.

with starshittery, at least space travel is a thing. Starshitters just believe in the nerdery and perhaps some moral message.

well... Getting a probe to a distant planet in the same solar system in several years, yes. Getting a team of experts to the moon at huge expense and no small risk, also yes. Travel, commerce and warfare between star systems, let alone galaxy-wide, not so much, and we aren't getting from here to there without a lot of iterations of "then a miracle occurs".

Yes. I think we can agree it's still complete turd.

The OT was the greatest set of films of all time though.

Caring about the sequels does make you retarded though.

In a world where Goodfellas, Apocolypse Now and Showgirls exist you think a trilogy of films made to sell shitty toys to kids were the best ones ever made.

Set implies more than one film, you know.

Truly great films stand alone, they don't need more than one film.

a trilogy of films

thats not what a trilogy is

A trilogy is the number of black cocks your mother sucked this morning.

that still doesn't count as a trilogy try again you're so close

Jeez, how many black cocks does she suck in a morning?

I only care about KOTOR and KOTOR 2


lol btw they're making a kotor show

Cant wait to be disappointed by it. Im currently hate watching Picard so I would need another hate watch show.

Hey the latest episode actually had some Star Trek in it; "Borg are people too" rather than guys getting their eyeballs ripped out and a blonde in tight pants dual-weilding BFGs while disintergrating everyone the room.

My favorite part was that the Borg have the technology to transport things 40000 light years away and they only use it for the Bitch Queen to run away. That tech would allow them to rule the whole fucking universe but fuck it. I guess it makes sense they had time travel in First Contact and fucked that up.

Well it maybe could explain how Picard remembered meeting her during the Best of Both Worlds but I think you're supposed to think that she kind of lives in all the Bord drones' heads. Fun fact; I have met Alice Krige but I only asked her about Deadwood. Apparently Garret Dillahunt is a lovely man.

I fucking hate the whole concept of a leader for the Borg.

I would have loved it if Picard had said to the Borg "take me to your leader" and then this happened.

The OT was the greatest set of films of all time though.

Not in a world where the Lord of the Rings films exist.

I'd even rate the Indiana Jones films higher.

Leaves out Tom Bombadil


Coming from the movies to the Battle for Middle Earth games was really confusing for my friends that had never read the books when they saw this strange bearded man absolutely wrecking them

this is what spaceshitters actually believe.

I mean they were enjoyable enough but really now.

Good thing they only made one of those godfather mov-

???? Godfather 2 is the best one though.

The OT was the greatest set of films of all time though.

The fucking finale has teddy bears beating grown men.

World building isnt interesting to me

I only care about the story

Well that really is a simple explanation why his stories are utter trash.

They actually are hiring and paying these people! Wtf?!?!?!?

How is it possible to be such a clear shit writer and still get paid for this shit!? Most of the decent writers in the world never make a dime and then you have people like this, wtf? Is there some greater purpose? Is hollywood literally trying to lower the populations iq through shit storytelling? It clearly doesnt sell, they tanked the god damn franchise!

To be clear, I don't give a fuck about starwars but this just has seemed to be the standard for the last few years. For the love of god the only good movie this year came from South Korea! And it's all because of these fucking writers!

I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. Why?!?!? Just fucking why?!?!? Where do they find these fucking people!?! God damnit I am actually triggered over this.

Source on this delicious pasta?

Me. I just wrote it. And no I'm not joking, this is one of the few things that actually really pisses me off.

Go watch a good spaghetti western. That will calm you down.

Watch a traditional western instead and be even calmer.

Oh, hell yeah, it's Winnetou time!

Some John Ford or Howard Hawks westerns. The Searchers is probably the greatest western of all time.

Good tip. Thanks.

Is Firefly a spaghetti western?

Rather a rice western.

Spaghetti western means it was made by Italians and filmed in Italy, hence the spaghetti.

So no, it isn't.

yeah but his movie still sucked dick

Stay mad bro 😜

You trying to lick my dick

Ew I was reaching for your taint

Not an argument

Not an argument

I’m not your mom and dad on a Saturday night after tequila and meth,mI don’t need an argument 😹


More proof The Last Jedi was based for making the star wars fanbase seethe

I don’t really think in terms of universes or in terms of creating worlds or whatever. The only thing that is interesting to me is story.

Well it's a good thing that your film is world-renowned for it's amazing story and plot. It'd just be embarrassing if you managed to simultaneously completely fuck up a franchise's world building and deliver a mediocre story that can't even hold up within your own rules you created!

That's what you get for caring about this shit. Every Star Wars movie is garbage and has a retarded story, this one is just as bad but in a slightly different way

Well... neither do I.

Holy shit based

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  1. Star Wars: The Last Jedi Director R... -,*

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You gotta post it to /r/starwars and /r/saltierthancrait for the real drama

I'd say based, but imagine wasting your career on garbage spaceshit that even spaceshit fans hate.



I remember when people were looked down on for liking star wars and star trek. Good times.

I don’t care about Star Wars canon or history either, but that’s not why the film sucked. It was boring and nonsensical, even for a movie centered around space magic.

He doesn't care about the cinematography either. They all sat inside a green box and hoped Driver carries it to Le Fin.

I don't give two shits about football, but I'm willing to admit that it would be a terrible idea to put me in charge of the NFL.


0 mentions of "lightsabre shit" - yer half-assin' your title writing!

Starcells on suicide watch

Related: 5 reasons The Last Jedi is the worst Star Wars movie ever

Based algorithm telling it like it is.

Based as fuck. Mod him! Now!