LMAO Reddit doing its thing as a front page post of Creepy Biden gets Y'alled for, get this, sexualizing minors. Cant make this up folks 😂

1  2020-03-05 by MikeHuntIsAnAsshole2


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Reddit's paid jannies have genuinely removed creepy Joe clips and suspended the people posting them before. Y'alling the post is just so they don't get on our backs about it. Òvò

Did you do this bird? Are you hiding the truth from America?!

I'm sorry :<

If Trump's team is worth their salt, Biden's libertarian antics will be blasted across every TV network in the country regardless.

Omg if he tweets this video out I'm gonna Cooooooom!!

He should literally run a better-edited version of it on TV. Then after the video just a black screen that says "Joe Biden... for president?"

The Bernouts are surely going to spam it on twitter and facebook, doing half their job for them.

The best thing that ever happened to trump was Democrats.


Grab em by the pussy!

The question is whether he can keep it in his pants for long enough. Biden needs to get the nomination before other Dementia Daddy pulls out all the stops on his twitter roasting.

Sanders will never unleash, I've said it time and time again hes too conservative on the attack and wont say out loud what he implies.

Remember last time Joe got accused of groping, every single media outlet only showed how he behaved with adults. Nobody would entertain the videos with kids.

It makes sense if you think it's wrong to show a child being molested on TV, but I don't think that's why they didn't do it.

just so they don't get on our backs about it.


Ash Carter's wife is a total fox tho



For all we know, she could be a real pain in the ass in real life - the second picture indicates something, but may be worth it.

Definitely hot.

dat smug smirk on their faces coming off the plane

You just know they joined the mile high club.
Air Force One is the ultimate panty dropper

Ash Carter's wife

MILF milkers 😍😜

Strange but true: each Chapo host makes roughly 400k a year

So? I've heard of internet custodians who make less but were worth more?

they suspended my reddit account for a week because I called Biden a creepy pedo saying I "sexualized minors" my appeal was rejected too


Bird nigger

I was predicting this videos would start rolling on my political twitter earlier. Got some gloating to do.

Trump doesnt have to do a single fucking thing, Dems are literally handing him 4 more years on a silver platter while sucking his dick. Its goddamn amazing.

He's going to walk up behind Biden during a debate and mimic this.

^ This delusional cultist actually believes this.

Arent you a pedophile?

No, that's your president who will lose in November.

No I'm not voting for Biden silly

Imagine being this retarded

My President is Ron Paul. What's your president, some cartoon pony character?

Give me one reason you think Biden could win from Trump

You think this would move the needle? Like the people who think Trump is human garbage are going to change and think maybe he's not so bad after all because Joe has boundary issues?

^ retard level thinking.

People who think Trump joking about gold diggers letting themselves be groped is horrible, but also think Biden flirting with and groping little girls on live TV is okay?

4 more years

This makes "grab them by the pussy" seem less outrageous. At least he wasn't targeting prepubescent girls.

Moderates exist on both sides lmao. There are people who will be swayed by this. Some of them will still vote Democrat, but for a non-molester candidate like Bernie or surfer girl. That weakens the Democrat's bid for the presidency as a whole, if the party is divided. Trump is almost definitely going to win because no other Republican has any shot whatsoever, Trump will get virtually all the right-wing votes. Pretty sure he won all the delegates on Super Tuesday, and personally I haven't even heard of anyone he's running against. Meanwhile the Democrats are divided between Bernie and Biden.

How does the DNC keep fucking up this badly?? Its like they want to keep Trump in office

Hillary used to be friends with Donald Trump! It's all a big scheme to give him eight gazillion years in office to wreck America and hand it over to weebs, capeshitters, furries, and other people! Some of those other people are Dutch!

To fight back against the DNC-GOP apocalypse, you need to head to your nearest wokeman and provide him/her/it/jannie with your social security number! But ensure that you do so backwards, or else [REDACTED].

i mean, it seems more likely with each day of this primary

My personal theory is that, because witches started backing Hillary and other candidates, Christians started praying for Trump and against his opposition, boosting his YAS KING power and allowing him to remain in office and secure a second term, despite being obnoxious and talking about grabbing foid bits.



Take the fasa away! Dutch hater

Idk. Maybe the whole “it’s their turn, do this for us now we help you later” routine. Or they thought the Obama revolution meant Republicans were finished and never got back into good shape for tough campaigning.

Those are the most optimistic possibilities tbqh.

I think that they're just straight-up incompetent and truly believe that pushing Biden is the only way to beat Trump without sacrificing the center-left position of the party and causing a headache down the line (i.e. putting their jobs in jeopardy and making their paypigs mad)

You probably right. I’ve heard that one book from the people that dissected the Hillary campaign was telling. They weren’t even rightoids, they just talked about how everyone was kind of just there to say “I worked on the Hillary campaign” later on, with fairly little regard for their actual work.

I think 'center-left' is wrong here. They aren't really centrists. They are very left-wing on a lot of social issues--transexual rights, gun control, feminism, affirmative actions, etc. The 'centrists' of DC do not fit the center of the country at all.

The current Democratic leadership exists to lose elections for monetary gain. Don't get me wrong. They'll win when they have to, but they obviously abandon winning issues and refuse to back popular ideas entirely because their banker friends give them money to.

They somehow manage to out-retard even the retarded Republican party. It's retards all the way down.

Liberals respect intellectuals too much. The problem is that to them, "intellectual" means "anybody with a fancy diploma," and due to the effects of nepotism and the academic-industrial complex, most of these people are straight up inbred retards whose daddies paid for them to get into the Fancy Degree club. Look at Robbie Mook, for example. This dude is a straight up drooling moron who lost what should have been the easiest election in the world, one where Hillary had all the advantages and assets. Meanwhile Steve Bannon took a total underdog (who was predicted to have a 1% chance to win) and led him to a smashing victory.

But guess which one of those two ended up being offered a visiting fellowship to lecture at Harvard? 🤔

You'd think that the people who are teaching the kids of the world's elite would be the best and brightest. After all, if you want to learn tactics and strategy, you probably ought to listen to the battle-scarred general who wins wars, rather than the pansy-ass moron who lost embarrassingly (and only became a general in the first place because of his connections). But Steve Bannon makes people uncomfortable and says some stuff that upsets the left-wing narrative, so obviously Harvard can't invite him to lecture anybody. They'd rather teach their students how to fail in a dignified refined way than how to win by fighting dirty. They'd rather hire the guy who strokes their kids egos by telling them how they're the "best and brightest" rather than the guys who breaks them down psychologically to mold them into winners.

So now Steve went to the EU, and the EU is collapsing due to a populist insurgency, and it's totally unsurprising. The wealthy liberal elites running the EU were schooled by morons like Mook. These people come from wealthy families so they already had the inbreeding disadvantage due to assortative mating, but when you compound that with the fact that they've had decades of schooling learning total bullshit from failed losers, well... the disadvantages really add up.

Then they wonder why they lose over and over, which is like wondering why a chihuahua would lose a fight with a pitbull. When you have generations of inbreeding compounded with a coddled and decadent existence, you're not exactly suited to winning life's dogfights.

Hey there you are buddy! Also congratulations on 4 more years of relevancy lmao

They are already campaigning for Trump and it's glorious

"As someone in a minority that Trump has targeted and removed rights from.

Please vote. I'm begging you."

God I wish Trump would actually remove these people's rights.

Wild guess what minority group they’re from : 🚺🍆

The one they can create out of thin air and join magically.

Me too man, me too

Lmao which rights? 🙄🤠

The rights that schizo made up in their head.

The right to live

If only 😩

The rights they didn’t even have in the first place, just as trump has taken away the right of me being the president of the United States by default

The right to party?

targeted and removed rights from

illegal immigrant? Anchor baby?

I was promised anti LGBT and Mexican death squads smh

We need pinging back. Ugh.

Somewhere in an alternate universe, Joe Biden and Michael Jackson are about to win the Presidency under the Libertarian Party.

Biden/Epstein 2020



The president of pop would have been a better option than the last 6 guys put together.

Michael may have fucked children, but there ain't nobody that can make this kind of music with a malicious heart.

Because before Biden stepped in the way of Bernie (Reddit’s favorite candidate) only the r/The_Donald would post this and it would be regarded as nothing but right wing conspiracy.


And quarratine-pilled

sniff sniff - t. Biden

Kids are too busy on Instagram to vote.

Or theyre stuck working their shitty job to pay back the student loan they were told to take to get the degree that would TOTALLY improve their employment prospects but actually didnt that much.

Liberal arts major cope

If you got a degree that you could not afford and that doesn't help you make money, it's your own damn fault. It doesn't take Sherlock Holmes to figure out what the outcome would be.

Dude you're talking about personal responsibility. We can't have this in 2020, it's sexist and racist to held people accountable for their own actions.

I know, but a kid with 17 years min just shouldn't make such a big decision about her whole life like that

Every person is to be in subjection to the governing authorities.

For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God.

Therefore whoever resists authority has opposed the ordinance of God; and they who have opposed will receive condemnation upon themselves.

For rulers are not a cause of fear for good behavior, but for evil.

Do you want to have no fear of authority?

Do what is good and you will have praise from the same; for it is a minister of God to you for good.

But if you do what is evil, be afraid; for it does not bear the sword for nothing; for it is a minister of God, an avenger who brings wrath on the one who practices evil.

Therefore it is necessary to be in subjection, not only because of wrath, but also for conscience’ sake.

For because of this you also pay taxes, for rulers are servants of God, devoting themselves to this very thing.

Render to all what is due them: tax to whom tax is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honor to whom honor.

Called, they've been hoarding these videos to dump on election year.

And well.....

The one of him grabbing the babies crotch is my personal favourite

Lmao nice

Hoooooooly sheeeeeiiiiit

Even our beloved Dilma Rousseff couldn't escape his heavy breathing

I know Reddit is full of autists, because they are touchphobic as fuck.

Bidens creepy and weird for doing all the touching and sniffing, but I don't think he's an actual pedophile, just learned how to interact with little girls from other weird old guys.

I think he's just genuinely affectionate. This is how I act with my dog (I'm a white woman, btw), so I get where he's coming from. It's actually kinda sad humanity has gone so far in the direction of paranoia that genuine affection is seen as creepy, and that the idea that an old man might really liking little kids non-sexually and wanting to express it is incomprehensible. And it does look creepy to me too.

didn't someone's finger end up in his mouth or something

like, how does this stuff keep happening to this guy

Again, you'd understand if you were this way with your dog. Sometimes her paw or tongue just ends up in my mouth. It just happens when you're a normal, affectionate person.


This is how I act with my dog (I’m a white woman, btw)

Based and 🐶💊

/affectionately smearing peanut butter on your privates

Lmao have you seen that pic where he's outright grabbing the baby's crotch? Also how is sniffing somebody a way to show affection?

Just get him on of those Google glasses and monitor his eye motion patterns. Very easy to find out that way if he's actually a pedo or not 🤔

have you missed the memo, all men are suspected pedophiles its why those hilariously pathetic mensrights groups exist.

leave that place it isn't worth it

a lot of them are the alt-right mirror images of our tankie edgelord teens, and a lot of people there are broken, toxic people and their parasites who exploit and humiliate them for sociopathic fun

just a really bad community all around


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Biden being a creep was kind of outed to the public a few months ago when he was touching some grown-ass women, but these videos of him molesting children have been around for longer.

I'm pretty sure Trump/the GOP has been refraining from using these videos so they can blast them everywhere in the event that Biden won and paint him as a pedophile.

Somone post that montage of pics of biden creeping on girls but the girls are replaced with anime chicks screaming

Waiting for Daddy to retweet this now.

One of the comments- "there's no hidin' from Joe Biden"


Women and children are two different things.


at one point he straight up rubs a little girls nipple, you can tell he hit his mark because she jerks away.
