Commie grandpa lost, so time for le revolution 🤡

1  2020-03-05 by srsh10392


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Drama posting as a whole rots your brain, the sub is easily one of the most transphobic subreddits filled with Enlightened centrists and alt-light trolls, the mod team is a bunch of weirdo nominally left succdems who post on Stupidpol about how they're the bastion of left thought.

One of them made a post about how they used to be a SJW but alienated all their friends and family and now decries idpol, when in reality they're probably just insufferable to be around


  1. Commie grandpa lost, so time for le... -,

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join your local anarchist group


They think that theres enough retards right around the corner to make a group lol

Why would a socialist even join an anarchist group? Aren't anarchists against government?

Wouldn't no government in modern times leave us corporatocracy and way more of the capitalism that they hate so much?

No you dont understand after the revolution everyone is gonna get together and agree that socialism is the best then we will all live in a socialist utopia

These anarchists are just retarded enough to think that if there’s anarchy, all hierarchies will be destroyed and we will be able to live cooperatively incommunity work places, sharing equally.

What they forget is that people like me have guns and will blast them until they recognize my dictatorship

Over for Lennoncels

Ehhhh so tell me, do you like cars? Wait no don't shoot me I'm a talk show host! No! My cars! My vroom vrooms! Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!

Unironically I've seen anarkiddies use Minecraft as evidence Anarchy can work.

No no you don't understand. After mom makes you dinner, you grab your iPhone and rant on Reddit so everyone will join you against capitalism.

Anarchists unironically believe that it's impossible for capitalism (or anything else that is a hierarchy) to exist without a government.

anarchist group


Join this organization with rules to fight against organizations with rules!

this reminds me of that big revolution that happened in 2016, America was sure saved from the decrepit cold hands of daddy back then.

Do yourself a favor and join you local neoconservative group



What if there are no anarchist groups in your area and you don't have the time or wherewithal to start a group yourself..

Lmao please walk me through how to do a revolution I'm dumb as fuck

You absolute, short-sighted pack of trembling little mice.

Bernie won delegates in every state. This is now a two-party contest, which we always knew was coming. At last count, Bernie is behind by 71 delegates, with 1609 left to go, and the biggest state with the most of his supporters has not yet been counted. Bernie is in a better position right now than he was on Super Tuesday four years ago.

If all you Chicken Littles truly do believe "the narrative" is so powerful, then how about you start fucking acting like it and quit handing the enemy a psychological victory, huh? Jesus fucking Christ, is this how you're going to act when we storm the barricades? Are you all going to piss and shit yourselves when you catch your first whiff of CS? If this is how you all react to Super Tuesday, I shudder to think at how you're going to handle the sort of crackdown that involves a curfew, because every last one of you crying into your hangovers this morning had better get it through your heads that that's exactly what's coming next whether you're ready for it or not.

As of this moment I don't want any of you sorry assholes anywhere fucking near me when something serious goes down. I've got every reason to think you lot are going to faint at the first sight of blood. Whatever picture you think the media is painting of you right now, the one you're painting of yourselves is far worse. I've been doing this shit for more than twenty years, I've got a long string of electoral wins in my rear-view mirror, and this is the closest we've ever come to slaying this beast once and for all. Get some fucking perspective.

There are millions of people for whom the fight did not end today and right now they're looking to you to decide whether they can count on you for what must come next. If you can give up this easily, this quickly, well, then I truly envy your privileged position.

Suck it up, keep fighting, and fuck you.

This is a really long way of saying you don't fuck.

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Stop working

Whoa....I have to get a job first and then quit it to start a revolution?

That sounds too hard....I'll just shit post on Reddit.

"prepare for revolution"

                              - redditor who gets panic attacks when leaving moms basement

Accurate. These are the betas that get anxiety attacks when they hear no no words online. These are the betas that scream fuck the police but literally disband and listen to the cops when they come. These people are pathetic. Revolutions were chads hiding in the jungle for 10 years amassing arms and eating snakes.

Hell, even the punk anarchists of the 90s and early 2000s were much more believable and respectable than these dweebs. They at least went out and caused trouble at concerts and clubs.

This is 11/10 cope I hope he tries to go full anarchist and accidentally blows himself up

But let’s be honest it’s either just a 15 year old or a morbidly obese neet who can’t walk 5 paces without collapsing from lack of breath and blaming those darned capitalists

Since when Anarchists support government candidates? Every political side is full of fags now

Prepapre the bike locks, prepare the milk shakes and prepare to cry when the cops come. Viva la revolucion!