fucking china

1  2020-03-30 by caliberoverreaching


Coronavirus is the price we pay for great CCTV China videos

fucking china

No thanks I don't want super-aids

tbh it's really fuckin weak ass-aids

For now. Who knows what the future of eating wild animals will bring

Atleast they don't fuck apes


Eating wild animals is an inevitable consequence of the destruction of the environment when capitalism moves until a previously undeveloped area. All the dying wild life creates a massive overabundance of cheap sketch meat. This is the same reason for all the bush meat markets in Africa, logging companies chop down forests and sends hunters to kill everything in them beforehand and sell them in markets. Poor people buy it because it's literally the best tasting and cheapest thing they can possibly eat and the markets are flooded wet it.

It was also what happened on the American frontier, there was massive quantities of wild animal meat in the early days while the United States was expanding. Now they're all dead.

So what you're saying is that the industrial revolution has been a disaster for animals too?


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Every disease has come from china. In all of human history from the Dark Plague to the spanish flu. Chineese wet markets and disrespect for all life goes back way before communism took their humanity and forced them to eat and sell human babies.

The joke is that this November your vote counts exactly as much as a senile retiree whose political sources are nestled between a thread of gay furry porn and a thread of kids wearing swimsuits.


  1. fucking china - archive.org, archive.today

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What a baller

It's always interesting to see anti-CCP Chinese posting stuff on Twitter. Too bad I don't see any wumaos and baizuos in that thread.

Can you translate the moon runes?

Also I think I know what baizuo is, but what is a wumao?

Wumao refers to CCP's paid shills. It was said in a leaked document said the paid shills are paid by 50 cents RMB per post, on top of a set wage. The term "wumao" then stuck because that is one way of saying 50 cents in Chinese. Now they are used as a slur against any CCP defenders.

For those who claim they are not being paid to do so, the mainlanders have another name for them: ziganwu, which means "wumaos who carry their own ration." It is a way of making fun of those people doing it for free.

"they do it for free" is a marvel of convergent meme evolution


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We must find a final solution to the chingchong question

I thought coronavirus was the final solution. China should have been blockaded.

What's on the ground is probably less lethal than the China AIDS he's carrying in his lungs.

If it makes you feel better he's probably dead by now

It does thanks :)


Coronavirus is made in China

At this point, we should sell nuclear bomb to Taiwan and HK citizens to blast Wuhan and Beijing 1000 times.