Glorious Leader is actually personally killing people in cornland

1  2020-03-30 by _reason_biden_lost_


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The thing most people don’t consider is the psychological effect an official shelter in place order would do...

Considering you can still go on walks and such, I'm sure most people would be perfectly content with sitting at home for a few weeks.

The problem is that 1) you possess a sheep mentality and are unable to think or exercise logic of your own free will, and in fact are not even capable of thought outside the societal norms you've been indoctrinated with, 2) science has not yet caught up with the subtle levels of energy of which the occult and other metaphysical phenomenon occur, and 3) even if you were capable of free thought and science were able to measure these phenomenon, you are not intelligent enough to comprehend any of it.

I mean, I could try explaining it to you. But is it worth my time? You are already of the mindset that jerking off to tranny porn is completely harmless so long as the men have makeup on. It seems their agenda has done permanent damage to your mind and you are beyond reach.


  1. Glorious Leader is actually persona... -,

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Got any drama tho?



damn dude, someone said something you disagree with on the internet 😫


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Autojanine wont let me reply


This is like the 3rd post from this subreddit today.

Opening the gates was a mistake