Bruh there's a sub for people who fuck dead rats

0  2020-03-31 by texanapocalypse33


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This is not the time or place for another black-dick joke


  1. Bruh there's a sub for people who f... -,

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There is no actual proof that they are fucking rats. Either way we should either get Ewe or Kaara on the case.

Why people fuck rat? Me eat rat.

This will be normal by 2025.

Mandatory and taught in schools by 2050+20

State enforced rat fucking. Get used to it bigots

We warned you about the furries, but you didn't listen.

May allah cleanse this wretched earth with holy fire.

Oh no

dear god

Oh hell no

Ahahah god damn lol

oh god

The radical feminists were right

Holy shitt, I thought it was a troll sub


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If I remember correctly there was some sick fuck who fucked and castrated a live rat. Probably a g-sluramer.

Worldaroundewe I think

I thought he just made shit out of already dead animals

You know he fucks them.



Good morning, I hate men

I've never called for a sub to be banned...and I never will. These sub-humans must be purged.

these fuckers are going to start a new plague ontop of the Shanghai shivers


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