Is it aut*sm?

18  2020-03-31 by Stoicpeace


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This is god level ascension. This is what taking your online persona like an actual professional occupation for 6 years does to you. This is what associating with a click of autists dedicating their lives to fighting another type of autist does to you. The GigaJannie has ascended into realms beyond normal human comprehension.

beyond normal human *compensation

Remember, he’s done this for exactly 0.0000000000000000000000 $


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This is what taking your online persona like an actual professional occupation for 6 years does to you.


The beast

who runs snapshill again? gotta dm them it

justcool393 I think it was

Is TMoR rebelling against a janitor? o:

Just one user. Not really a rebellion.

But he got updoots! ^-^

That's just ret*rded dramanauts. They were both at just 1 upboats when I posted this.

Please no pooping in the popcorn.

What, you're too good for our poopcorn?

this reminded me of a post i saw on SRD🤢 today and I wanted to share it with every1

Srdines self jannying. Very nice! You do love to see it. Take notes dramacels.


Mother of god. That is a fucking GEM of a Snappy quote in the wild.

This is a magical combination of extreme narcissism, drugs, and incredibly stupid from a thought leader of Reddit's largest child pornography distribution ring.

Here's the best fit for a quote:

I spent a lot of effort on the premise that you're capable of reading what other people write, instead of being a self-righteous abuser.

My work can be ported after the fact to other situations. You have lost a privilege as a result of persisting in your abusive behaviour.


I want the full "I'm smarter than you and know how to use math symbols" logic, but make it a justification for AHS's brigading and CP posting.

You know what?

I made my first reply from my phone, thinking that the users of this subreddit would be people with at least a distant connexion with humanity -- but now that I'm back on my desktop, your username lights up like a christmas tree from bad faith warning systems.


Bad faith warning systems

Extensive comment history in WRD, TiA, KiA, T_D for another

and you're tracked in a private nazi-sympathiser database

as well as calling in a lot of friends to vote manipulate this thread and harass our users.


tracked in a private nazi-sympathiser database

I would like to know more.

me think mastertagger robot. me think funny.

How do you get on this list, sounds fun!


I want to spit in his face.

God I hate the French.

Especially their culture, language and cuisine.

That's the one

what are some television and films about connexion?

fartыnn shits these text-wall smugposts out daily, there's really no one like her (male).


Based, buddy.

At least rightoids are fucking concise. Jesus Christ, there’s no goddamn way I’m reading through that smug wall of text.

is that the a*tist jannie with the phD?


One user claims she is a her(male), so a phD is unlikely.

His photos are online, he literally is a middle aged man in a dress



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There's pictures in the kw farms general on tr*nnies, just search it for his username 😈

You would be surprised.

The c u c k s h a c k

A twice-divorced cuckold who lives with his parents? This is like a parody.


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Unironic rape apologist


Careful, jannies going to y'all this before too long.

Lmao this r*t*rd really brings up set theory in an attempt to look intelligent and not like a deranged tr*nn*

I remember when this sцb rightfully ьlasted anyone that was defeиding Кavaиaugh or Тruмр with a "well, he was the best choice despite the raре thing". Looks like that was actually just parтisansнip, not disgцst with the act of rape... Turns out raре is ok if a deмocraт does it.

uh oh шrongthiиk detected

Truмp has 25+ accцsers of seжual аssault. Who are you planning on voтing for?

juxtaposed by:

> a яapist

You write that as if that is an estaьlish facт, it isn't.

> I can't voтe for the Deмocratic caиdidate in good coиsсience.

Ah but you can in good consciэnce let Тrumр шin again, seeing as how he is нandling this сrisis (-;

really incredible minds at work here


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get fucкed roьo ьich

C: Those who accuse others of rape should be believed and supported;

No, because some people are lying about rape.

I debunked this whole spergout this easy.

Add this to snappy right now, please.

I spend more time with women on any given Tuesday than any unloved, lonely shut-in Chapo poster has in his whole fucking life. I might make jokes about women on /r/drama, but IRL I'm one of the fucking girls and fine with it.

When any of them open up to me about their experiences with harassment or assault, it is never - NEVER. FUCKING. EVER. - about a MAGA bro or a frat boy. It is always at the hands of some sensitive feminist "woke" boy.

The "frat boy rapist" thing is a myth that dangerous dudes like this are happy to perpetuate, because it takes the heat off of them, i.e. the real threats to the goddamn wimminz.


  1. Is it aut*sm? -,

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I hate to link SMBC because the creator a bit of a tit, but bardtard clearly resides atop mount stupid.

t.autist with a math degree.

I wish I could see what bradfun looks like

Welp bardfun got doxxed several times. It’s no secret how bardfun looks

remember: he typed up that dissertation for free



test: mentally deficient

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