Antifa catches a Nazi and publicly shames him

4  2020-03-31 by unrulyfarmhand


Most Antifa and HNH types work in the NHS, ambulance and fire service and local government. They are people of humanity and equality.


Lmao imagine thinking ant*fa are employable. That’s the reason they’ve become commies in the first place. Which is ironic because the same very political ideology they believe in, always becomes the one they originally fought the most. Rslurs tbh

this is why we need communism. why is anyone against it at this point i dont get it🥺

We need a "This is what chapos actually believe flair" for posts

I have to throw up by the amount of times I see these people patting each other on the back on how much empathy they have.

Literally who are these people

Nick Griffin was the leader of the British Nationalist Party, a far-right political party that got a modicum of press in the mid-2000’s but is now functionally defunct.

Hope not Hate are an anti-radial advocacy group which pretty much only operates on Twitter yet is treated as culturally relevant for some reason.

Both are entirely irrelevant.

Hope not Hate are an anti-radial advocacy group which pretty much only operates on Twitter yet is treated as culturally relevant for some reason.

Because news media is run by elderlies who haven't a fucking clue how the internet works so they just assume Big on Twitter = Big in Real Life. This makes even less sense when you realize that only around 3% of the Westerners actively post on Twitter, and something like only 8% actively lurk / scroll. But they asked their social media zoomer intern if this thing on the interwebs is important, and due to the selection bias of it being the social media intern, were enthusiastically told that yes, yes it's very important.

I did a research paper this summer on this subreddit and there was a published study that found that 74% of attacks on Reddit came from 1% of source subreddits. I assume that subs like r/Drama are the 1%.


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Communists rely on starvation it’s how they get people to eat their own babies

Why do the people who rant against hate tend to be filled with hate themselves?




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Because violent fantics like to cover their crimes with pretty and popular ideas.