Downundercels ree over landlords

1  2020-04-01 by LiberalKiwi


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I did a research paper this summer on this subreddit and there was a published study that found that 74% of attacks on Reddit came from 1% of source subreddits. I assume that subs like r/Drama are the 1%.


  1. Downundercels ree over landlords -,

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Damn bro that’s a lot of reading, can you post the highlights? I don’t speak didgeridooer

Same problem as the US landlords being parasites.


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Renter cΓΈpΓ«


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Hahahahahahahaha How The Frick Is renting a place to live Real Hahahaha N-slur Just buy a house Like N-slur Just buy a place πŸ˜‚

Digeridindu am i right lmao


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It's so tough. Most if not all landlords are unscrupulous money grubbing little shits but that's the only way to really run the business. The chapoid concept of renting being some free money printer when apartment units actively drain money is one of the strangest low IQ things I've seen argued.

I really really don't know what chapos want. Do they want free property? Because there's no way most of them could handle the responsibility of owning their own house. Plus I'm sure most of them want to continue living in their high cost areas. How many chapos would accept a free house in Topeka Kansas?

Take their current lifestyle, substitute "mom and dad" for "government" and then add more free booze and weed and you have the chapo's ideal endgame. They want a cool pad their nanny cleans because they're special little boys




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I hate my country.

I like how people think that if they don't pay their rent, their rental property won't get foreclosed on somehow.

Wait until you have a faceless, corporate bank owning your title. Good luck getting anything fixed.

Pretty much all the properties will get packaged together and then offloaded to some rich asshole in China.


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Until recently I was a landlord. Didn't make hardly any money and it was a pain in the fucking ass. I sold off the property a few months ago.

Anyway, now that coronavirus has everyone losing their jobs I'm kind of patently sitting on a pile of cash and waiting for a chance to snatch up another house, probably as an upgrade to where I am living right now... and then I'll rent this one out, so basically I'll be back exactly where I was, but hopefully with a slightly bigger yard and an extra bedroom.

I hope they are all teenagers

Well you are too

Don't think you can dunk on us you're literally the Oceania equivalent of Canada crossed with Wales

That 😱 😭 😩 sounds like 😱 😭 😩 an interesting 😱 😭 😩 crossover.