Girl who makes going to 🌃📚Columbia🏙 her personality makes fun of guy who makes going to SUNY Itha- I mean 📕🏔Cornell his personality

1  2020-04-02 by BFEDTA


Can't wait for their wholesome reunion when they find out they work at the same McDonald's 😏

Columbia vs Cornell war when 😤 imagine going to Cornell and not being able to handle jokes about going to the shitriest ivy 🤮

shitriest ivy 🤮

Imagine forgetting about Dartmouth. Its mascot is 🤢 green 🤢.

Dartmouth is in a beautiful location⛰ free from city folk and communism


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Contra mommy?? 😲

This is why we need mayocide.


  1. Girl who makes going to 🌃📚Columbia🏙... -,

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her response - another video - 🤮

in all seriousness both creators need to shut the fuck up about going to an ivy league school

Calling them creators legitimizes this 🐂💩

god I fucking hate z**mers, they just get worse and worse every year 🤮



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It’s pronounced “kernel” and it’s the highest rank in the military 😎


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Zoomers 🤮

not going to 🍊Syracuse 🍊the nation’a top party school