Official 🦇🦠 subreddit trusts the Chinese government more than the CIA 😂🤣

1  2020-04-03 by reptilia987


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Are you black or something? Why do you think fathers don't exist?


  1. Official 🦇🦠 subreddit trusts the Ch... -,

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Lots of eternally butthurt ching chongers in that thread. I guess they need to eat more 🦇🍜 to keep up with their reeeing sessions 😹

you don't need guns to protect you!

The same person today

nah nukes will prevent ww3



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only 35 new cases in china btw 😵 in the country of origin btw 😵 in a country of 1.4B people btw 😵

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starting to think you inherently hate me AutoMod wtf 😣


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I trust only the mossad 😍😍

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I only trust the moss*d 😍😍

Trust CIA once they start suggesting China lies? Hell no.

Uhh? I doubt there are many reditors who disbelieve that statement. This site hates china

What an amazing gift to be able to ignore every other comment in that thread 🤔

trusting glownigg*rs


trusting commies

Trusting spooks

It's like a choice between shooting off my foot with a .45 or a .357. I'd rather just shoot myself ⚫

Remember when the CIA thought the Soviet Union was stronger than it really was in the late 1980s? Lol they're so incompetent. We should have trusted the KGB in the late 1980s who were so honest about the state of the Soviet Union. 😂

Commies gonna 41% 🤒😷


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I mean, it's not like the Chinese government has a long and storied history of blatantly fabricating stats so as to appear less shitty. Who wouldn't believe the totally honest and not at all self-interested Chinese state? 🤔

Racists, that's who!