Degenerate redditors get mad at me for being a better person than they are 😢

0  2020-04-05 by ManBearFridge


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Hi. Until one of them tells you to off yourself this isn't drama.

Thanks for posting.



Your post/comment has been removed because it did not contain an emoji! 😱 😭 😩

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Your post/comment has been removed because it did not contain an emoji! 😱 😭 😩

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You are seemingly intelligent enough to think of a witty Reddit name and even put a little clever flair next to it, yet this escapes you? Sweaty, go to an evening class or something....


  1. Degenerate redditors get mad at me ... -,

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not marrying 💍 her immediately

I like how there's an emoji for everything. I'm like is there an emoji for a wedding ring... oh yeah I guess there is.

In the future 😀's will be the only universal way to communicate


Hi Lehk!

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