Redditor calls out wine aunts for being crazy, crazy wine aunts show up to prove him right 🤪🍷🍷🍷🎉

2  2020-04-09 by [deleted]



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Are you genuinely mentally challenged? Please use whatever little brain cells you have left after your glue huffing addiction to think a little bit before posting something as stupid as this again. Thanks and have a nice evening. src


  1. Redditor calls out wine aunts for b... -,

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YTA-not for failing to get her wine, that's not really healthy for the baby, but for this comment: "I calmly said that the baby was as much mine as hers and I had a right in what that baby can have in his system and she was under no circumstances drinking anything."; and for this attitude: "and I have a right to decide she can't do stuff that would be harmful to my child."

As long as that baby is in her body, what she does with her body is her choice. You have no say in the matter. The only thing you have a say in is whether or not you buy the offending product.

In making those statements, you are clearly showing that as long as she's pregnant with your child, you don't believe she has bodily autonomy.

Actual comment I found in that post, wth is wrong them

🥴 someone posted this from the original AITA thread. Jfc that last part “you don’t believe she has bodily autonomy” 🤔 how about the baby’s autonomy 👶? But that hannah user comes through again

I don’t see why you would have a problem with that comment
