"ok im gonna need therapy, because i want to commit suicide right now. gonna have to talk this through with wife" A final Final Fantasy for totally sane and stable resetera user Yoshichan

95  2020-04-12 by Nom_Chompy


I was gonna start playing league again til I saw they auto filter the N slur now. Noped right out.

Gaming is basically dead.


  1. "ok im gonna need therapy, because ... - archive.org, archive.today*

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same but i didnt make a riot account nor consuder playing league

I can't understand how/why children care about video game past the age of puberty.

Or why their parents allow it.

Can you enlighten me?

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I can't understand how/why children care about video game past the age of puberty.

Or why their parents allow it.

Can you enlighten me?


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I can't understand how/why children care about video games past the age of puberty.

Or why their parents allow it.

Can you enlighten me?


They can be a fun way to give you motivation to kill yourself when they're not what you hoped.

But there are so many other ways to do that

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But there are so many other ways to do that



His wife is crying because her husband is seriously contemplating suicide over a fucking video game. Just imagine the life she is living.

Probably crying tears of joy that she's almost free 😇

“I'm still young enough!”😁

Bring 👏 back 👏 bullying 👏

🙄 Are they happy or upset? What’s happening here?

They are very upset and will have to call a therapist to deal with the disappointment from this game.

lol this is because of a game? 😎

Yes lol

Some weebshit game from 1997 that was supposed to get remade.

People expected the same game from 23 years ago with updated graphics. What they got was a story with some time travel ghosts completely rewriting the story into some convoluted bullshit, resembling a 14 year old’s fanfic.

Nomura lmfao

All of Final Fantasy was already convoluted bullshit, resembling a 14 year old’s fanfic.


Nobody knows that because they were too young to realise how shitty and cliche the writing was. Now they're angry that they can't get transported back to being 13 again.


rewriting the story into some convoluted bullshit, resembling a 14 year old’s fanfic.

How's that different from what FF7 started out as?

Time Jañnies bout to clean a bitch up 🀭


Are you fucking kidding me, I’m literally having a discussion right now with my wife about therapy. Gtfo with your dumb ass ninja-”videogame”-response, it’s 15 years of my fucking life

Imaging marrying this thing 🀔 no wonder she's bawling realizing she's just as dumb as him

Tears of joy that she's almost free 😇

The fuck did these ret@rds expect the guy that wrote Kingdom Hearts wrote this new story. 😎 😎 😎 😎 😎 😎


Ugh. Just do it. Stop talking about it.... delete your minecraft

tbh xhe can extend xhis lifespan by 2-3 years if xhe starts taking 💉 followed by a few months of ranting on twitter about the patriarchy and how supportive xhis wife and her new bf are about xhis transition before xhe comes full circle and back to the 🔫 in xhis mouth.

G*mers were a mistake😒😒😒


But of course hes an Euro