๐Ÿฆท Do we have any dentists?

14  2020-04-12 by McFluff_TheCrimeCat


So Iโ€™ve got an old filling from when I was kid and ate to much crap in one of my back teeth.

My tooth has been hurting for week and Iโ€™ve kinda just been ignoring it and self medicating to sleep when itโ€™s bothering me.

Well the last few days itโ€™s started to hurt worse and part of the side of the tooth where the filling doesnโ€™t go up to from the middle is GONE! Like wtf. I donโ€™t remember getting hit by anything or fucked up bumping my face into something hard and the rest doesnโ€™t look cracked at all. Just a little U shape missing from the side.

So dentist or dentist ๐Ÿ‘ฉ๐Ÿผโ€โš•๏ธadjacent is this something if I go to a dentist they can do something about or do I just leave it alone while it eventually doesnโ€™t feel a little and occasionally a lot of achey anymore?


Streaming is the dumbest thing to ever get popular that I hope this venture does as much damage as possible to the entire platform. I will support any and every cause to nuke all streaming platforms. It was a mistake to dabble in these dark arts, and it must be dealt with.


  1. ๐Ÿฆท Do we have any dentists? - archive.org, archive.today

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Are you really coming here for medical opinions? Jesus.

Call the dentist ๐Ÿ™„

No dentist is going to see me with the rona going around. ๐Ÿคจ


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They'll probably be excited to have something to do. Just call.


Try soaking the pain area in isopropyl alcohol ๐Ÿน ๐Ÿท ๐Ÿบ ๐Ÿฅด

So a filling fell out and it's starting to hurt?

Yea, see a dentist. The spot where fillings fall out from do really well to both collect germs and potentially expose nerves so it's definitely worth getting a look at by a dentist.

Also dentists are for sure essential personal. They aren't gunna turn you away.

๐Ÿฆ† for good luck.

So a filling fell out and it's starting to hurt?

I think the filling is still there. It just doesnโ€™t rise all the way to the top of the tooth since itโ€™s like an over a decade old filling I guess. Just the edge of tooth that extends upwards on the side has a U shaped out of it. Which Iโ€™m pretty sure was there before. Iโ€™ve been brushing multiple times a day, salt watering, and orageling. Iโ€™m not losing teeth ๐Ÿฆท due to any infection.

It could have partially fallen out, since your teeth don't really grow in size. Still, definitely see a dentist. ๐Ÿฆ†๐Ÿฆ†๐Ÿฆ†

Dentists here are closed. I was just talking to someone about it๐Ÿ˜…


P sure dentists are closed for the rona



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๐Ÿ’ขEat a bag of smegma autojannie.๐Ÿ’ข

Cavities didn't exist before the industrial revolution and neither did dentists. I recommend stopping eating dyes and sugars and your mouth will correct itself

You're r*tarded.

Go to the dentist. If they say they're closed, call them or email them anyways. If that doesn't work, go to the doctor.๐Ÿฆ 

Can you yank out the tooth with some pliers? Might need to if this continues.

If you're asking /r/drama for medical advice then i'd say euthanasia is your best option.


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Whatโ€™s the debat? If it hurts and ainโ€™t a front tooth rip that sonabitch out with a pair of pliers


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I think I have a few cavities that need to be filled myself. dentistry isnt considered essential where I am so I have to file with the government to get a dentist which will most likely cost me thousands.

I've been thinking about getting super drunk and getting a pair of pliers to yank em

this is how I know you're fat