Don't try to tell me this isn't about Mister Loliz and his journey to becoming a gym bro. The dog breed even matches.

82  2020-04-14 by SandorClegane_AMA


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Dogs gaslighting their owner isn't wholesome. But it's a cute post.


Ret@rded Redditor garbage 🀬

Just to add to pile of stupid words you only hear on Reddit:

Imagine gatekeeping wholesomeness πŸ˜‚

Now pls kill me.

I kinda feel like this is how an eating disorder could start, and all for some doggos to go outside... When you look past that, it’s also kinda cute.

Disgusting weak constitution, one of a woman, or an effeminate man.

Gym's closed due to Corona.

Linking to the original post comments just because you can't post images/GIFs to this subreddit.

Oh this is a cartoon?

Have you posted bussy yet?


  1. Don't try to tell me this isn't abo... -,

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Sorry, I think you meant to post this on r/wholesomememes

You think I drew that?



How are any of his posts drama?

Wow! I wAs AsKInG ThE SaME ThiNG!!!


Thought she was grabbing a rope

to subvert expectations