"Violence and war are valid solutions". The gentle folks at /r/aznidentity are not pleased that someone made a joke about the China Virus. 🦇

157  2020-04-14 by fernguts


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Poo flinging monkies rise up!


Well damn, I might just like calling it the "holocough" better than calling it the "Wu Flu".


my sides

Chingles is still my favorite



Tfw I've just been calling it the chinkflu :(

Commie cold is my thing.

I call it The Shanghai Shivers

Chinobyl is my new favorite.

ewww asians pretending racism is bad

lowest teir asian. At least chinese don't pretend

Most people here don't have the guts to do it and you'd just be labelled an extremist.

Ah yes, that’s why I won’t firebomb a business. Because I ‘don’t have the guts’.

Why are Asians such manlets? I can't take someone seriously when they're six inches shorter than my prom date.



The funniest thing is these people are Asians who were born and lived their whole lives in the West. If a war broke out between China and the US, the CCP wouldn’t hesitate to massacre these idiots

Now if someone yelled racial slurs at me or tried to attack me of course I would throw hands.

If this actually happened the adult sized stranger would just have to hold the top of his head in place while the manlet swings wildly like a looney tunes cartoon.

Maybe he knows Kung Flu?

Shane Gillis tried to save us, but now it’s too late.

Quit putting pee pee in my coke

They all sound like they really need a fresh batch of batsoup 🦇🍜

That survey missing my 2 favorites

  • Boomer remover

  • Wu flu

I'm partial to Shanghai Shivers myself

That sub is the personification of sexual frustration.

This, but unironically.


  1. "Violence and war are valid solutio... - archive.org, archive.today

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Is there any more oppressed group than 👲?

There, happy now? Need more emojis, you filthy bot?

Post deleted. Did anyone save the screenshot with the poll to pick the best nickname for SARS-COV-2?