Black girl solves mask crisis, evil racists pounce on her

248  2020-04-14 by unrulyfarmhand


You fit make bead??? At least she can make something. Wetin you fit make???

Wtf is this

It is Pidgin English. Even the BBC publishes news articles like this, see for yourself

It is so cool to see languages evolving ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

It unironically is. Pidgin and creole languages are some of the most amazing testaments of human ingenuity and adaptability even if at surface level they sound like r-tard babble to some.

I was actually being unironic with my comment as well. It is like how French, Italian, Spanish, etc all came from Latin but we are seeing it happen right in front of us.

Definitely. Thereโ€™s a really interesting documentary about Hawaiian Pidgin (technically Hawaiian creole) where they talk about the fact that it bridges cultural gaps and lets islanders from different ethnic backgrounds communicate but to outsiders makes them appear unintelligent or โ€œwatered down.โ€ Plenty of people who speak pidgin can also learn and shift to more โ€œformal Englishโ€ but it can be really hard for others when they grow up speaking it because everyone in their community does.

Hawaiian Pidgin is fascinating to me because I spent 5 of my most formative years there and from that, every so often I will say something that makes everyoneโ€™s eyes turn.

How is ass raping the queen's english with a rusty knife because you can't be bothered to learn to speak it properly an example of "ingenuity"? ๐Ÿ˜

Woman wey take her hand, pack her poo-poo comot di toilet of man wey she dey friend because ''e no gree flush'' enter trouble, after she go try collect di poo-poo back.

This was in the fucking BBC.




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What the fuck? ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

This is written like a white person doing a really goofy african accent

You should hear it irl. My family speaks it and it sounds goofy as hell

my 2 year old speaks it as well

I always thought it sounds really cool. Where is your family from?

My family is from Liberia & Sierra Leone. In Sierra Leone we speak a pidgin language called krio which is very similar to what that person was speaking in the twee Edit: it's spoken throughout West Africa with a few minor differences, but a person from Nigeria could easily understand a person from Sierra Leone or Liberia, etc.


You guys laugh but I this is the only news source worth trusting besides the onion.

Hahahah hahahahahahah!

Didn't even know pidgins could speak let alone have their own BBC. Clever birds.

5G network - wey be di big brother to 4G

Dis na di kweshion wey some dey ask and wey odas believe say dem get answers to.

Wait o! Wetin be 5G? Dis na everytin you need to know


It looks like it's mostly other Nigerians dunking on her.

As a cholo-honkey that made me smile.


What did they mean by this?

Omg they're trying to spell lightning you nazi

"legit not gonna [lie]" obviously

sorry I'm not fluent in ebonics

I don't listen to hip hop

Thatโ€™s kind of the point

Legit Nigeria you dumb fuck

but it's le bad word XD XD


This trash here, shitting on this young lady

Lmao that link seems to lead to other nigerian tweets, they are kinda wild

Based Nigerians going in.

Any nation that produces so many princes is surely the most based and scampilled


Looking at the replies, Nigerians seem to be a lot of fun.

wit be dey do wun giv da bug at me pipo


Bug bug ate yo brain

Dey eat da poo poo

This is why we need mayocide.


  1. Black girl solves mask crisis, evil... -,

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me no can breath through cloth, me make mask open to air so easy breathe in. what problem with plan?

it's too complicated. just cut a hole in a regular one. problem solved.

If not anything, please appreciate her efforts. You must not be productive by what you studied in school. Let's learn to be positive and open minded. Let's not find fault in everything.

Not finding faults is how you get a group of f0|d "engineers" build a bridge and have it crush people people the next day.

Those people will die happily knowing there was a diverse group of engineers that worked on that bridge.

Lmao imagine what the response would be instead if this was a white dude from Arkansas who did this

girl "invents" something that doesn't work and makes no sense

people criticize said "invention"


Especially funny since the thread is mostly other Nigerians mocking her

Oh my god shut up. I personally didn't see anything racist but what I did see was people calling out how ridiculous that mask is. Including other black people so wtf exactly is the issue here???

Welcome to r/drama





Funny. I like my underwear the same way.

Nigerian girls be hot yo.Blasian masterace when?

I think when this is over, there will be a period of time at least where a face mask will be a fashion statement as well as a practical item, like it has been in places like Korea.

The charitable part of me wants to think that she's just getting ahead of the curve. I never really understood people wearing classes without lenses, but they certainly exist(ed?). I actually met a few of them.

Oh shit, I hope she doesn't work in the health field.