Zoоmer e-celeb and his titty streamer girlfriend file DMCA takedown against Kiwifarms and 4Chan, Twitter debates whether shared nudes are technically IP

342  2020-04-16 by ReddneckwithaD


You know you've really won the battle when you're resorting to "TAKE THAT OFF THE GOD DAMN INTERNET"





All he had to do was ignore it and everybody would've forgotten about it but instead he had to make a cringe defense of it and now he's getting dunked on beyond belief.

how the mighty have fallen

All he had to do was not respond and people would have forgotten about it by summer

I mean kiwifarms unironically needs to die already


wolf in username

vore subreddit


Just what could be their beef with the plantation? 🤔

Literally paid money for the tits of his GF for others to enjoy now for free. The final and absolute c*ck.

Nooooo you can't look at pictures of my gf for free nooooo

who knew idubz could be such a massive f-slur?

have you seen his face?

"Who knew a YouTuber could be a loser"

Literally everyone?

Is iDubbz the new Maddox?

Even pewdiepie mentioned this

Really? Time stamp?

Maddox is the most influential man of the past 30 years, perhaps 2000 years. Literally invented the internet and created the current global social paradigm. iDubbz is some r-slurred f-slur.

The Greatest Debate in the Universe and the Art of Manliness


Maddox lost

Dick won


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Does that loser still exist?

Who is Maddox

based jersh on thot patrol again

I google big boob, get 70 million result

And her results are some of them now. Thank Ian for buying her tits we can all enjoy

Where’s Thot Patrol when you need them the most smh head.

When DSP takes time out of his day of filing bankruptcy to laugh at you, you know you fucked up.

Holy shit lol. Some random neckbeard online pretty much implied this would happen by pointing out how everything posted on the internet stays on the internet forever and idubz owned him by saying "We know you ape, this wasn't done impulsively, we put in a lot of thought to this"

timestamp https://youtu.be/mQLzOuwDu_8?t=286

So he knew pussy pics are permanent once posted on the internet, yet he didn't think they would be shared without her permission? Or worse yet- did he know this would happen and yet thought DMCA'ing websites like Kiwifarms would do him any good?

In case you didn't think that he was putting up an act in his response video, now you know. He has zero idea on how to handle this and this is probably gonna end up horribly for him now that he's getting all this negative attention from people who had nothing to do with him.


Man, I really have no idea what people see in her. She's on the tubby side, covered with spots, and has a fat face with weirdly aligned teeth. Adding pointy bolt-ons to the mix doesn't help either

Also the shoop with the nipples is definitely inaccurate, there's no way she doesn't have big ol pepperoni nips

It's also funny some rando downvoted you within minutes just for sharing the nudes. Surely this will protect the fair lady




She does have pretty good tits dawg

They’re literally fake 🤢

I’m looking at them dude, I’m not eating them

She's on the tubby side, covered with spots, and has a fat face with weirdly aligned teeth.

That's what some of us like.

Idubz more like icuck

Does moot still own 4chan? The dude is gonna look 80 at 40 with all the problems his problem child gives him

Nah the asian moot owns it now (and has since 2015). Moot works at google iirc

Good for him.i loved it back when I was a kid 2007-10, but I haven't regularly been on 4chan since 2011/12 when I first discovered /pol/. I feel sorry for those who are still in that crab bucket

You're posting on reddit and you're the one feeling sorry for others?

Happy cake day!


Your comment is like 15 levels of irony. I struggled hard between upvoting, downvoting, or just ignoring it.

Feeling sorry for idiot z*mera dumb enough to believe white nationalism and global J-slur conspiracy? Nevermind the fact that if whtes were superior that they wouldn't fawn over rice l IQ scores And believe j-slurs were eliite. Sure they run banking and media, but that's just a hand full of elite people... Not a global J-slur conspiracy

They also think every interracial couple in film is part of the global elite plan to eliminate white people and get wh*te women to breed with the b-acks not just a weak attempt to be inclusive.

I mean my sure, my life sucks but at least I'm not obsessed with j-slurs and bl*cks

Preach based daddy 🙏👑

I've now signed on for the church of based daddy DFNIckS. 🙏👑



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When in doubt upvote. The problem with Reddit is interesting stuff gets downvoted.

There are a few boards that have done pretty well at cleaning out the /pol/lution over the past couple years; it's not that bad.

I lurked /r9k/ for a really sad lonely period in my life. Yeah they were alright. /int/ was a really good board too. I may check up on it soon

/int/ spawned the "they do it for free" pastas and for that reason alone it should be spared. Would post the happenings with that, but too much dox

I have no idea what's going on in /r9k/ (probably still a shithole) but /int/ is doing fine. I hope you are no longer sad and lonely!

Much less sad and lonely. Not much of a social life but at least I'm well liked at my job for the most part

I'm glad you're doing better!

/int/ is no different than reddit or 9gag


Lol he dipped a while ago, now they got gookmoot


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Don't they get takedown notices for shit constantly? I'm sure Re*ddit does too

Yeah but they've never had a large staff to take care of stuff like that. They also used to frequently raid sites and Brigade

Another day, another sex weird youtuber having a meltdown.

Can someone with braincels tell me if they could do anything? Or would she need to patten her nudes or something?

Anytime you take a photo, it automatically becomes your IP.

Even if it's a photo of someone elses photo?

Yes. But only the specific photo itself. If you take a photo of someone else's IP that still remains their IP.

She most likely copyrighted them so she has a good chance at getting them taken down off of websites.

She most likely copyrighted them

This is the same chick who got a ban from Twitch for trying to persuade people to buy her Onlyfans.


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I've never heard of these people but now I've seen them naked because of their attempt to stop people from seeing them naked.

This sub is what happens when minimally educated unintelligent people join together to find common ground and project their own self loathing to the rest of the world. There has never been anything clever that I have ever seen from this sub. I will continue to look for humor but I am just starting to think that loss and anger plus unemployment equals humor


  1. Zoоmer e-celeb and his titty stream... - archive.org, archive.today*

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What is there to debate? The photographer owns the copyright, simple.


Is this the streisand effect for tits?

She's pretty hot, probably makes more money than most hoes. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

The novelty is that she’s iDubbbz’s girlfriend. Kind of like buying a DeLorean because it was in Back To The Future but in reality it was a very shitty car