Is Uncle Chang literally Hitler?

19  2020-04-16 by Wellam1


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I know it's a standard commie propaganda tactic, but what pisses me off is how whenever anybody speaks poorly of China the Pooh Defense Force can only "defend" their beloved Winnie by trying to change the subject to literally anything else. "Whataboutwhataboutwhataboutwhatabout, actually, your a shill nationalist."

It's a shotty bootleg of an argument or discussion, much like many other shotty things manufactured by China. That said, I don't think the Pooh Defense Force is made up of shills, at least not entirely. I think most of them are just stupid.

Ok Jordan Peterson

Hahaha, you were so butthurt you reported all my posts to the moderators too.

You win this one, I'm not allowed to make fun of you anymore. Enjoy living your internet life every day, goodbye.


  1. Is Uncle Chang literally Hitler? -,

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But the truth is that we (israel) are heavily invested in China, so all this talk of yours is actually quite anti-semitic.

Unironically, explains a lot.


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Hey. 😉😉

Do you uh, like movies? What kind of movies do you like?

"Hey China, you know that debt you hold and get paid interest on a yearly basis? Annnddddd, it's gone!"

"Oh, you are going to confiscate foreign assets in your country to make up for it?! You know all the business and property that you and your citizens hold in foreign countries? Annnndddd, it's gone!!"

What's with Redditors and their simplistic, ignorant answers to complex issues? Dude, if you believe it's that simple do I have bad news for you.

Seizing assets and disregarding existing debt are pretty common war measures. And since a fighting war is hopefully to be avoided, the economic one will continue.

It really irks me when other races appropriate european culture.

Brexit was dumb and based in large part on lies and exaggerations but China sure is making a hell of a case for reversing globalism, and just in the nick of time. It's been all over the news: if there's an emergency, get fucked, we're taking care of our own first. Which is as it should be. But it shows total reliance on your neighbors, especially for non-luxury supplies, is a disaster in the making.