Words words words on why space super-soldiers are problematic

12  2020-04-17 by perkot12


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while the Tau are considered better people than the Imperium

The Tau: Join our peaceful society or WE'LL FUCKING KILL YOU


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The Imperium's default position is WE'LL FUCKING KILL YOU. The Tau are awful, but they're still better than the imperium because you get drugs and rest breaks in the the slave labour camps. WH40k is a stupid setting.

better than the imperium

The Tau dont have melee units which means they are the gayest faction in the universe.

That's what the kroot are for

Who needs melee when you have godlike firepower?

Space Marine fist > "Godlike" firepower

Gross, a weeb. Mods, ban him posthaste

If you want to ban some one you need to do the honorable thing and give the mods money.

The far sight enclaves should be a good sign something is up and these people just ignore it lol

Ah yes, the rart that thinks the universe of 40k is supposed to be a good thing. Ignore the millennia of stagnation and decline, portrayal must be endorsement.


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Also ignore how billions of humans every day defect to younger fresher empires and nations that aren't completely awful. Tau-tier civilizations are springing up all over the Imperium, and entire planets are defecting for the simple reason that life is better under the alien boot.

Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand. src


  1. Words words words on why space supe... - archive.org, archive.today

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In the grim darkness of the far future, there are only WORDS WORDS


When I see words words words, I sleep 😴


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How can I be a good active M@rxist while also playing with capitali5t toys and doing nothing to actually help anyone? I know, I'll make theory memes and say that playing with toys the wrong way is bad!

For real though warhammer is the most overpriced consumer shit on the market. Paying hundreds and hundreds for little bits of plastic just to play a boardgame you could play with cardboard cutouts.

The price is a barrier to entry that guarantees that the only people you will play against are spoiled children and manbabies.

Why can’t people just enjoy things?

The people on the post are the type of people who get mad when they see memes about the crusades and shit. I reaaaaaaally doubt someone playing a medieval video game actually wants to form a crusade and reclaim the holy land, but god forbid someone makes a meme about that, because these fucks will treat it like someone is actively forging swords to go invade Jerusalem


Homoeroticism without outright homosexuality is extremely based


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Of course it's a tr4nny

I played 40k and now I’m a right hand man to musssolinj

If you can't define fascism without bringing up race, you are getting it confused with something else.

They confuse fascism and nazism constantly.

fuck, if troons take over 40k thats going to be the saddest thing ever

There's enough rightoids and politically apathetic people to keep them from usurping most of the community for now. The fact that they have to congregate in their own unfunny circlejerks is a good sign. I hope it stays that way because it'd be a real shame to have the troon whiners bitch and moan until everything gets retconned

Being interested in 40k as a troon is also proof you're not actually a woman. Those two are mutually exclusive


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There's enough rightoids and politically apathetic people to keep them from usurping most of the community for now.

For now. I don't know what it is with troons and feminazis but anytime there's a club they're not over-represented in they toss a shitfit until they get what they want. Expect a new preciously-unmentioned race of aliens based on Ursula Le Guin's Left Hand of Darkness that shit is on its way.

They better not all be rapists. We already have the dark eldar and Slaneesh cultists for that.


The Imperium of man shoots transsexuals as followers of Slaneesh. They also do this to anyone who publicly displays affection. This is why the Imperium is being beaten by blue space goats.

Easiest way to have a hobby away from the missus is to get into Warhammer.

Troons taking over spaceshit is part of the reason I moved to 40k in the first place :/

It will happen and it will happen within your lifetime.

It'll happen fast, too. MTG caught me completely off guard. I used to play in college with a bunch of stoners, and I kind of just fell away from it in the last six years except for very occasional casual games and all of a sudden everyone at my nearest game store is on hrt.

Awkward self-haters are the first to hear the siren call of transexuality. They're trying to replace themselves.

Warhammer C0mmunists are worse than wheraboos.


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Critical theory is probably the most r*tarded field of study ever put to paper and is genuinely responsible for modern leftism's absolute failure to have any semblance of integration with reality.

It's literally learning how to frame everything humanity has ever done from a perspective of power struggles and victimhood

Is this just a still life painting? No, it clearly reflects innate misogyny, homophobia, and heteronormativity from the perspective of the marginalised and is just another example of cryptonormativism

For reals, the Sokal Affair blew this shit out of the water years ago, and others have done the same since. It's a completely failed, incestuous ideology propagated only by the fact that once you've invested enough energy to decipher the dense shit those continental philosphers waxed on about you're gonna be susceptible to the sunk cost fallacy


Funnily enough it's eerily similar to Critical Security Studies, which deeply involves authoritarian perspectives of issues, specifically the PRC (China) who use it as the guiding principle to their entire nation.

Not all critical theory 🥴


Isn’t the whole point supposed to be that they are brainwashed psychopaths? They’re not exactly shy about this. This feels like a monumental strawman.

Fictional stories are harmful says the commie.

If people get exposed to ideas like fascism even once, they’ll immediately turn into a fascist!

That’s how it works! I know because I watched one Contrapoints video and now I’m a commie

I miss the original where "Space Marines" were John Wayne Gacy-tier criminals taken out of the most hardened Imperial prisons, stuffed full of chemicals and implants to the point they weren't even human, and then brainwashed into a warped ideal of medieval knighthood. It really said something about the Imperium that there ultimate heroes were complete lunatics deliberately driven even crazier and these "ultimate champions of humanity" were about as human as the Eldar.

It's Starship Troopers all over again.

I checked the sub out. Its the most unfunny (even for leftist) shit i have ever seen. Every post is the most boring shit imaginable that only troons can enjoy because someone said something about them and god do they need validation and attention.

That being said, the sub isnt even about 40k all the sub is about is WORDS WORDS WORDS about being transgender and then somewhere in there hidden is one or two words that are being used by 40k nerds. Thats it