Lawyers of r/law are told off by a passionate human being

5  2020-04-18 by TheElfStrangler


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On 9/5/18 I met my best friend. Nearly 5 months later she gave birth to a healthy baby boy. Just a reminder that being a father is not about “blood” but about being available with unconditional love and support


  1. Lawyers of r/law are told off by a ... -,

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Heres your legal analysis: Racism is bullying. Bullying isnt protected speech. Expulsion of racist bullies is ok.

End of story

Lmao this guy is a practicing lawyer. Holy shit. We really are falling below “first world nation” status within a century.

Too many people think that getting a law degree is a valid and upstanding professional thing and impressive.

The result is a WHOLE lot of really incompetent ones.

this dude claims to be a practicing lawyer on the internet, surely that must be true 🤔

Generally speaking no half good practicing lawyer would say they are on reddit.

Bro I’m a lawyer

First year law students need to be shoved into lockers repeatedly.

It would prevent stupid shit like this.

They are already getting memed on with tuition

Great, more high school dropouts in the degenerate bible belt.. lmao

human being ... Redditor

Doubt 🤢