People go outside

8  2020-04-18 by cfbWORKING


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r/coronavirus has devolved from a place for solid information into a fear-mongering circlejerk. Should you take precautions with this virus? Of course, doubly so if you're high risk. But people are acting like this is the Black Death or something. In the course of 5 weeks, we've somehow gone from social distancing to house arrest...for a virus with a 95%+ survival rate.

Yeah because its reddit. Reddit will always come down to circlejerking. Its the formula of reddit.

Yeah, there’s no real opinion here, just whatever gets me the most updoots. For example reddit says ACAB and fuck the police but the minute that same authority says to never leave your house again reddit says “Yes massa, thank you massa”

they hate authority figures, except when someone has a differing opinion then it's all "report to the mods"

Will I get banned for suggesting that it might be controlled by state or “ngo” actors?

That's a wacist violation against Grorious Leddit Community Rules. Ding dong bannu. Hail Xi Jinping.

Watching Xi's jannie army keep the place clean is always fun.

r/coronavirus has devolved from a place for solid information into a fear-mongering circlejerk.

Circlejerking so much it's spilling into /r/TrueOffMyChest now too for some reason.

It’s even higher than 95% lmao. It’s 99.8% for most people under 60 and might be even higher because if asymptotic cases

Some of the better studies that have come out so far seem to indicate a CFR in the ballpark of 0.1-0.2%. If you're healthy and unde 60, your chances of coronachan killing you is basically nil.

Yet if all you do is read reddit, you'd think that if you so much as go outside, you'll drop dead from the beer virus.

Out of the more than 18,000 Italians who had died by April 13, about 50 were under the age of 40. God only knows how fat and diabetic those 50 people were.

Mostly hospital workers fucked over by the viral load. And one of those was murdered by her boyfriend because he was afraid she gave it to him.

I can't wait until studies show years from now that the panic was uncalled for and 99.9% of people who died would have died from the flu or any other sickness anyway.

The people I hear of who die are all older. Every single one of them. I have a client in NYC and his whole office has had it and they are fine. But you say that anywhere on reddit or NextDoor and they tell you how it's killing the young too.

if you’re healthy and under 60

News flash: Americans aren’t healthy half of them are obese and have diabetes.


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i looked at every pic in the article, don't see any clear instances of social distancing violation. How far exactly do these tárds think 6 feet is? As for a mask, if you're observing social distancing outdoors, it is entirely unnecessary.

Where is this anger and outrage for ny i wonder, considering it still has about 1/3rd of US cases despite being 6% of the pop.

I don't think people even understand what and how they are trying to protect themselves. Every time I see someone driving in their car or riding their bike all alone with a mask on and with nobody at all in their general vicinity I'm like "who the heck do you think you are protecting yourself from?"

the people wearing their masks in their car really crack me up

Well it’s the law now so what else to do?

coughing on other people to own the libs is one strategy

So it drinking fish tank cleaner because the President said to

Daddy never said to drink fish tank cleaner, but the retards who believe every word he says don’t have the intelligence to differentiate between two things that sound the same

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me wear mask in car when me drive short distance because me will need mask on in minute

I wore a mask to vote bc I didn’t want to upset the old people working the polls, and to be safe I kept my mask on while I drove home so I didn’t touch my face before washing my hands properly. Felt like an idiot

I've done it but it's mostly because I'm lazy and I'm going between stops on a multi-stop trip.

Same, mostly since I have a respirator. Gotta fuck with the straps and shit every time I take it off and put it on. May as well just keep it on.

I think it's a form of smug to show everyone that they have masks and they are social distancing even though it's r-tarded to wear one in the car.

Someone in my NextDoor is posting that people without masks should be fined $5000. lol I swear the coronachad smugposting is at peak levels right now.

If you go shopping and drive home, you shouldn’t take the mask off until you’re at home. The mask is contaminated and you have to touch it to take it off and the you touch other things including your face.

i know this reponse is like a billion years late, but i've been thinking about this. When i remove my mask i just grab the elastic behind my ear, touching nothing else. Then i wash my hands with hand sanitizer i keep in the car.

Also i make absolutely certain not to touch anywhere near my face (or smartphone!) until i've delivered goods home and washed my hands thoroughly with proper soap and running water

Is there really risk in this?

There’s always a “risk”. Excessive hand washing is also a risk, you’re supposed to come into contact with stuff so you’re body learns to deal with it in small doses. Also, the masks are mostly to prevent you from breathing it on people and spreading it. Plus if you’re under 60, the chances of needing hospitalization is pretty damn low.

That was me the other day after I got beer. Had the windows down because it was a nice day and figured I'd keep the respirator on for the 5 minute drive home because there's a shit ton of pollen out right now and I don't fuck with pollen.

for a virus with a 95%+ survival rate.

An extremely contagious virus with a 95%+ survival rate. Which makes it a complete shitshow, worth of all this hassle.

Well is less than 0.2% for people under 60. I thought boomers dying was a good thing? What's the problem?

virus bad because virus not only kill boomer, virus kill weak and fat too and that most of reddit

I mean. That's arguably better than boomers.

me agree yes

After this virus the average American will technically be younger, stronger, skinnier, and overall healthier.

I'd like to get a few more years with my extended family, thanks.

30 million people out of work is quite the "hassle" wouldn't you think?


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me no can stay home, me must go work and make j*w boss money


It's 99%+, with anywhere between 50-80% being completely asymptomatic.

a place for solid information


When the president was telling people to drink fish tank cleaner

Is that why you're so stupid?

When the President goes on TV and says, "Take it. What do you have to lose?" Of course some DDF moron is gonna drink some fish tank cleaner.

Is that Daddy's fault? Of course not. He's clearly too retarded to be responsible for his actions.

Because it is his fault.

I really don't think you can blame the severely mentally impaired for their actions.

It’s a like /r/tropicalweather during peak season. People start wishcasting and hoping for the worst


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Are you r-tarded? You're not saying something that could kill 5% of the population (much more if it's not controlled) is not a huge threat?

Promoting anarchofascism for 9 years and counting.


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Beautiful. Two bots mating in the wild.

People in my part of NC seem to be over the quarantine and are socializing, not distancing at the grocery store, etc.

Same here. Although going to the vet today was fun. Had to stay in my car and they came out to me to get my dog and bring her in. Everything was done over the phone. Luckily she wasn’t in a 911 situation or that would have sucked.

How did justcool become a mod there with his subreddit history?

Programmer socks 🌈🧦

This but unironically. There's not many as autistically talented at jannie bots as JC.


omg florida sucks and is terrible

But will still snowbird every year to florida.

I wish they'd stay the fuck away.

But think of all the elderly traffic people like me don't have to deal with in the winter because of your sacrifice.

You suffer for the rest of us, you're like Jesus or something.


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God is a 15 year old in 2307 playing with an OculVibe 10900X Ti posting memes about how HL3 still hasn't come out.

Redditors make me want to kill myself.