Scam Citizen gets delayed yet again. This is still somehow a shock to some impatient gamers.

1  2020-04-20 by KaaraRaven


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C*pe citizen 🤭

Shart Citizen 🤣🤣🤣

Star Seethizen?

I remember arguing with a coworker about this game 3-4 years ago about how this game was literally a scam, and all they could say is "It's pretty good now, it's got some cool toys. it'll be better in a couple years."

Gslurs are meant to be grifted.

Lmao bannerlord is out now and scam citizen is delayed again for 9893084th time. Anyone buying that shit deserve it.

As buggy as it is, bannerlord is so fucking fun

It's fun but you can't help but want CK2 levels of complexity when it comes to clan/kingdom management and politics. And sadly that will never come to fruition

Mods, mods, mods

Gamercide now.

I wish I could think of a scam that I could keep up for literally a decade.

You could try becoming the next qanon 🤷‍♂️

Too derivative. We need something fresh and exciting. What if we tried to make CDs a hot commodity again? Thousands and thousands of cheap ones out there we can buy up, and the nostalgia factor is just about there.


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10-year old kids were r-slurred [please mods for the love of God I cannot make a comment here without using that word] enough to buy pogs for a year, so literally anything is possible.

Just make a up a cryptocurrency, those idiots will fall for anything.

You can use a mcdonald's menu as a white paper, and some will still buy it.

L. Ron said it best.



Eventually this stuff will be ruled illegal too, that's why you must believe in yourself and come up with new and exciting frauds!

Pay me $1.99 and I'll berate any user you want.

You never have to face the reality of a buggy, finished product if you continue adding more features to it.


This game's fanbase is the best definition of delusion I've seen in gayming and that's saying a lot.


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Lol this is literally findom for g*mers at this point

Chris Roberts has been praying for a miracle excuse for years and finally covid gave him one.

Imagine using a computational device in any way whatsoever for the purposes of entertainment 😂