Some tink defends his gypsy nature.

1  2020-04-21 by Standard12


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And what's Spicer going to say, "Oh yeah, it's all legit!" First of all, he's not even one of the 10, and you can tell Trump wouldn't let him in on it. And second of all, if he did say that, it would just make tons of people bombard him with more questions about it, which he really knows nothing about. This is top level Military Intel at the highest level of Classified Clearance.


  1. Some tink defends his gypsy nature. -,

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Basically everyone in Europe has had or knows someone who’s had an episode with a gypsy.

Hell, I live in the US and only once went to Italy for about a month. I had bad experiences with Gypsies there, despite barely having met them.

No wait how about you instead of just continuing bigotry, why don't you think about this rhetorically. Is it fair to tar every gypsy just because every encounter you have had with them has been a bad one?

Ignore your learned experience. Just because a gypsy stole your old dog, doesn't mean this current gypsy is stealing your new dog. He's far more likely just checking on its welfare, or picking it up because he likes dogs, the same as many other people.

Do you see how you've let your prejudices cloud your evaluation of a situation? Do better.

But on the other hand fuck gypsies

It's not actually racism. Tinks aren't a race, they're a subculture. The Romani are a race but you don't really get them in Scotland. Tinks are just thieving fucks who live in caravans.

Even Muslim immigrants in Europe have problems with Roma, they often pretend to be Muslims outside of mosques begging for money (Zakat) during Ramadan, and Gypsy women also commonly use Burqas to shoplift shit, there is some video of some Muslim guy confronting a scamming Gypsy outside of a mosque, the guy asked him "where was the prophet born in!?" and he replied "Pakistan".

One skank scammed me out of 10 bucks by pretending to be deaf, I really want the best for these people, but in the end it's a lost case, they already have been given all kinds of assistance, education, and money to stop behaving the way they do, but they refuse to stop it.

They're talking about Scottish Travellers, not the more known Roma Gypsies from Eastern Europe.

Aren’t they different from Romanian Gypsies? The ones with the curses and the werewolves?

Technically? If you go by historical records then yes there is a Romani origin/strain to the Scottish Traveller community but after 600-800 years of mixture (especially with indigenous travelling communities/tradesmen) they're basically indistinguishable from from the rest of the population.

Ethnically they're different, yes, but the cultures have the same ugly characteristics.

There's no racism because they're all British.

Gippos are the legit the only group you are allowed to hate in Britain. Never known one person whom likes them

What's to like? They're human pollution.

but enough about the bongs

Same in Hungary, leftoids try to defend them once in a while but it's extremely hard because they are like cartoon villains.

Being a H*ngarian is worse than being a gypsy


Being a Hungarian is being a Gypsy

It's basically the same here, The Guardian has stopped writing articles about them because every singly one boiled down to the paper doing their best to defend them, and then every commenter telling them where to stick it.


The 98% of criminal Travellers give the good 2% a bad name.

Murdered. Skinned. Sliced. Cubed. Shredded. Then mixed into a sausage.

Still not cured.

Hidden racism

It was hidden when Liam "If its drunk and black time to attack" Nesson was on the patrol

That was Ireland not Scotland you mongtard. They're both dirty hill tribes but at least make sure you're talking about the right ones.

Oh no i got my potatos mixed up with my drunkard

The key difference is whether they eat the potato or they leave it to ferment for a few years.

Imagine caring about the distinction between flavors of yuropoor

We didn't spend hundreds of years starving, killing and enslaving them in various measures for fun you know?

Then why even bother?

says the mutt who's a collection of every flavour of shit and piss in the world

burger hate blacks

europoors hate gypsies

what's new?

As a burger I look at Europe and wonder how a landmass full of 700 million people who would murder each other the first chance they get, manage to look at the US and think we should be more like them.