Bernouts who didn't vote are mad that Bidencels organize to vote

7  2020-04-21 by artemis_m_oswald


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Bernout guide to how Bernie lost~ got cheated:

Mayo—> Corporatist Shill

Brown—>Low information voter

Brown—>Low information voter

Vota, look ok you can say it, just not wit da hard R.



I’m bl@ck

Press X to M@yo


The fuck is that?


Who says "@" like "izza"?

This is pretty rich coming from the people who have been railing on minorities for the last few months for being (((low info voters)))

Not even the same crowd, but keep fuming and seriousposting


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That’s pretty much the opposite of what they are saying. They’re saying that liberals love treating minorities as low information voters and they are making fun of those people. The entire point of the post is making fun of a woman who wants to baby talk minorities and tell them how to vote.

Yeah but I've been following that sub for months and the general dislike of minorities is pretty blatant. Liberals might treat them like they're low-information but these guys will outright shit on them while wondering why they don't get their votes.

Wilbertine Jefferson, 68-year-old grandmother of forty-six from Charleston, is not reading stupidpol lol

I mean I'm assuming their online posting reflects in real life too but idk. I don't know any Chapos or Bernouts in real life personally.

Stupidpol hates monopolies and they especially hate the rightoid's monopoly on hating minorities.

I'm glad. The commies will never win because they're too stupid to get minorities the way liberals do. And liberals won't raise my taxes too much.

I don't know any Chapos or Bernouts in real life personally.

You should thank God before you go to bed every night that you don't live in Portland.

Stupidpol: liberals are talking down to minorities to get them to vote. Reeeeeee

Stupidpol: these f**king minorities are too stupid to vote correctly. Vote for my interests. Reeeeeeeee

This is the internet you can say fuck here

Idk I thought the jannies' bot was still on

It is, fuck was never one of the banned words, c4ck

Imagine spending enough time commenting on drama to know how the bot works 😂

Imagine being up at this ungodly hour (for amerimutts) just to patrol your own post

11pm past your bedtime?

No, I just wonder how it bodes for you considering that by the age of this thread you’ve spent most of the day on reddit

The only point you'll ever have is that you represent the sad, fedora-wearing, bloated face of capitalism in the 21st century.

Unfairly made famous and rich through copied ideas and appealing to kids. And yet is driven by some bizarre need for attention to spout insane, teenage edge lord style views. You are clearly not all that up on politics (or anything, maybe you can code?) yet your wealth has given you an oversized platform of confused 12 to 16 year olds to yell "sjwjjwjwj" at over and over again.

Honestly, I don't give a shit if you've been driven mad by fame or some bullshit. When I see amazing creative people dying depressed in poverty every day and you get to sit on twitter and make half assed 'now yur the nazi' comments, it's fucking sickening.


  1. Bernouts who didn't vote are mad th... -,

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Is there anything more sad than serious posting about politics on reddit? Probably yes but goddamn it's the most unfun shit ever.