Guy in /r/trees really, really, doesn't want anyone to join the quitting weed subreddit. 20+ replies in the thread of him attempting to keep people smoking. Gets very defensive and aggressive when confronted.

1  2020-04-22 by Babinx


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Just a reminder that quitting to smoke the d*vils lettuce will not redeem you and you go to hell anyway.

He's a srdine too 🤢

How does one get like that? Maybe Rodrigo Duterte is onto something 🤔🤔🤔

The one personality type that I despise most in the world is people who constantly smoke but are also really uptight and want to tell you how to live your life.

Thanks for reminding me of my greatest hits. 🤗

No problem! It reminded me that I should be much more grateful about my current situation. Because it can 100% be worse. Thanks.



sup gaiboi


this a month old pothead

Time is just like, your opinion bruh.

I thought you have to smoke weed to be a pothead tho...

I haven’t smoked in 2 years. Get bent😂😂



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I’m not denying it doesn’t happen, but to assume all people who wear mascot costumes, or are furries, smoke crack and fuck all day in costume is a massive fallacy.


  1. Guy in /r/trees really, really, doe... -,

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Some links to his comments:

a, b , c , d

I don’t even know who you are and now you’re stalking me? Hahahaha wow lmao

He sounds kind of paranoid. I wonder how he ended up that way? 🤔

Are there any sane people on Reddit who just do shit in moderation 🤔

Why are redditors always either the fucking addicts who have smoked every day for the past 10 years who preach to you about it's life altering effects or the psychos who have been clean for the past 5 years and exist soley to lecture you about how you've been wasting your life and how they've found the path to enlightenment

Is there any redditors who just smokes few times a year and doesn't turn into an addict or some anti weed crusader


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Extremists of any stripe are by definition ugly br*inlet r*tards who found a crusade to base their life's purpose around because they have literally nothing else

Therefore, r*ddit is full of extremists

Are there any sane people on Reddit

No. It’s crazies all the way down.