“ Unfortunately I must limit my future interaction with you to pointing out antifeminist sentiments you promote here...as I cannot abide people hijacking the sub to consistently make men's rights adjacent arguments that go unchecked.” TiTrC gets BTFO for his redpill talking points

1  2020-04-22 by menslib_is_alpha_af


The only time I've ever given a shit about the nuances of f*male anatomy is when I was doing a hard guro/vore RP where I needed to remember how to spell the parts of her reproductive system that my character was eating.


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Absolutely who?

SRDine mod and man about the femme manosphere.

Didn't he once use his postion of authority as a reddit mod to pressure a girl into sex?

any girl who can be pressured into sex by someone's authority as a mod deserves it tbh

grade A lolcow 🐄

how do you manage to make titrc look like the sane one?!?

tits always looks sane in men­sli­b, it's pretty ret­arded tbh. The problem is that hi­s answers tend to be balanced and think about m­en, which is frowned upon in me­nsli­b.


Titrc: Why?

Mensli­b: <autis­tic screeching>

Shoutout to the thread where m­e­nsli­­bbers were talking about how a pic of Arn­old Schwarzene­gger was to­xic mas­culinity, and how they were asham­ed to be me­n.

What a time to be alive. I had to doubt check to make sure it was the TiTrC I knew.

What the fuck is a manosphere

it's a circlejerk translated into three dimensions