Triggered the rightoid🤗🤫

1  2020-04-22 by DonnaHightower


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user reports:
1: whys this retard a mod
1: Even more pathetic than the other sticky. The fuck happened here?

downvoted to zero
Rightoids absolutely frothing 💅🏿

Meanwhile the same thing, but whinier sits at 97%

The absolute state of non-private /r/Drama

M*Efugees are literally incapable of handling bants. CMV.


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defending SRDine f@ggotry

Yeah you don't belong here.




zzzz you're whining right now

MDEcels downvote people they disagree with 😂😂😂


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I downvote stickies unless it’s lawlz or that dude who makes things out of pieces of dead mice, and I expect everyone else to do the same.

I see a sticky i downvote, i see a drama moderator i downvote. The fact other people would even consider upvoting the mods is quite frankly alarming and upsetting.

I, for one, enjoyed this post

RecallRethuglicans does this schtick better tbh

I've always suspected he's really a rightoid that's just really, really good at pretending to be a leftoid.

wow, no way.

that's crazy. or maybe you're like, a genius?

More like autistic

The fuck is wrong with you? You post in drama which is full of people calling minorities basketball americans and chimps. You're just as racist as him in the guilt by association game.

messed up if true. I thought this sub didnt have vulgar or vile content and I'm starting to think this might he turning into a new 9gag or something 🤐

You know what, fuck you. You are an absolute piece of shit marinated in fermented piss from an ogre and dog combined, you absolutely gross fecal matter of a human being. How the fuck are you still alive? Natural selection doesn't exist if people somehow like you enough to call you their friend, you waste. Shut the fuck up, cunt. You aren't allowed to speak anymore. Fuck you. Eat my ass.

I think he's mad.

I’m always amazed how few people know about Gamergate. It’s not only the key to understanding so many violent harassment campaigns going on today, it’s lots of the same people angry about the same stuff using the same playbook.


  1. Triggered the rightoid🤗🤫 -,

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Congrats, you owned le nazi and are on the same level as your great grandfather who lost his leg when storming Normandy.

Can’t say I’m not proud

Would you call your great grandfather a nazi for not loving f*gs and tr*nnies enough?

He would be, too, soldier 😢

Looks like you’re the one who was triggered. That was just an obvious copy pasta. You’re the one filled with hate.


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What the fuck is that supposed to mean? Is that some kind of fucking dogwhistle?


Cátia carvalho


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  1. [̲̅$̲̅(̲̅ ͡ಠ_ಠ)̲̅$̲̅]

  2. :'(

  3. (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧

  4. (o´・_・)っ(✪㉨✪)(༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ)

Wait wtf how are you a mod now

Also you used to drop in and talk to me all the time and you haven't in like a month and it makes me sad

What's your problem with Nazis?

Hitler killed le Hitler xddddddd

The lost.


Life of the Thousand Year Reich (1933-1945): 12 years, 3 months, 23 days


German years are subject of inflation

NASA is still operating

they ruined nazism

Trigger warning: controversial opinion

Genocide is not good

So brave. This is definitely keanu big chungus 100

What was that about his aunt? Provide context necessary for enjoyment of this spat, woman.

His aunt is dying/dead and he wanted r/Christianity to prah for her soul or some shit



lol please be real

Why pin your own post

Why be a fucking hater




You tell him Zozbot

user reports:
1: kys (in minecraft)


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Hi SpezKilledSwartz2!

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You were trolling right?

Whoopdee doo, another nazi, reported

Consumeproduct is easily more pathetic than anything on reddit that they make fun of

I'm glad you are not dead

Me too

My favorite thing about quarantine is plenty of free time to watch the hit TV show Family Man! Have you seen it?

It's a good show!


The user base is pretty bad, but being anti consumerism is something I’ve always believed in, only I come at it more from the left.

Oh I agree, it's just those guys are absolute bitches.

Trust me I know. I made a post there yesterday and had like 100 of the same seething comments ad nauseam. Last post imma make there. Are there any other anti consooomer subs 🤔

You realize "13% of the population commits 50% of violent crime" meme would get you laughed out of any Statistics course in Gradeschool, right?

Blacks number at 37 million. There are around 1.2 million violent crimes in the US

37 million people didnt commit 600,000 instances of violent crime. This is Stats 101.

So lets clean up your stats, failson:

1) None of this final data is actually reported by the FBI and should be noted. Dont pull a Jontron and conflate stats from a meme you saw on 4chan. 2) There were 518,617 violent crime arrests. Lets assume these were convictions which means this number is higher than it should be. 3) 50% of 518,617 is around 260,000 Black persons.

So /pol/tard, the correct stat would be:

"Roughly, .08% of the population commits 50% of the violent crime."


But blacks commit that crime level every year so its more and more blacks Again math is hard but there's roughly 316,000 black people who die per year. 587,000 are born per year. Both numbers are larger than the violent crime number, which means that's a piece of the Black-American population which is shrinking.

Ok kiddos? So stop posting your stonestoss memes, because they're inaccurate.

What is accurate tho is that white people are dying, as we should. And maybe they wouldnt be if you werent posting Nazi frogs on shitty bulletin boards while your sister gets banged by LaShawn Jenkins.

I don't really see how that makes things significantly better. Sure the phrasing "13% of the population commits 50% of violent crime" is intentionally misleading. But out of the population of violent criminals, the demographic is still over-represented.


Shh, it’s the biggest victory he’ll ever have

What about the national crime victim survey? It has the same numbers as the FBI statistics.

You know what they mean.

How about we're more explicit and say: Of the group who commits violent crime, 50% are black, despite blacks being only 13% of the entire US population.




You seemed kinda mad ngl

Yeah i was


Dye L8

See the

No offense (just kidding please take offense) but reading that made you sound like a seething bitch, so why in God's holy name did you post this here?

It's pasta by the way.

You seem just as triggered as he is, why did you choose to put so much effort into responding?

Virgin effortposters vs Chad Agendacels


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Have a nice day

You call that effort?


Yes that was cringe to read all those hateful replies from you. The person you were responding to looks much better than you. Strange you would post this here.



objectively, you look like an mouth breather in this exchange and come off way more assblasted


please stop harassing me, this is libelous

But you do do it for free though

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Yes use the emojis, that means you won the argument


posting your own epic btfo moment to r/Drama


I like triggering rightóids too, so we're so alike but also different.

Why is there a rightoid anti consumerism subreddit anyway? Aren't consumerism and righties best fwneds?

A lot of people lump in rightoids with the conservatards but there are some pretty big differences

No, but it means you’re laughing with and having fun with and supporting fucking anti semites and racists, fuck off

Sounds like you’re just mad that you didn’t get an invite tbh.

baited on a copy pasta

Linked your own response to highlight it for /b/ackup

Still unironically assblasted

I'm not surprised the r🌜tarded mods here brought up another absolute m🤢r🤢n in their ranks.

Reason #1000 why /r/deuxrama is superior.

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Lmao b8ed by a fucking copypasta get fucked nerd

Looks like we got a special snowflake over here.

They deserve what ever is coming to them for the audacity of unironically uttering such a stale, Qtard level Boomer phrase.

I hope I'm not overreacting when I say I hope they burn in hell for all eternity for this transgression (in Minecraft of course)


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As a (semi-alt)right-oid-ussy, thank you for your service!




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