G*mers brigade r/banvideogames

1  2020-04-24 by VanOldenbarnevelt


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As of now there's dozens of posts like this by violent g*mers🤬

Of all the dumbass drama spinoffs I'm subscribed to, I never expected r/banvideogames to become the interesting one

It's hilarious

I was gonna start playing league again til I saw they auto filter the N slur now. Noped right out.

Gaming is basically dead.


  1. G*mers brigade r/banvideogames - archive.org, archive.today

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Shiver me T I M B E R S


You're not wrong, snappy

I think people staying at home and playing video games is much more dangerous than the effects from the covid.

We need to open America back up before more fall for vidya.

Inb4: this but unironically.

I'm serious, not memeing.

this but ironically

Glad someone is finally taking a stand against this latest influx of clueless zoomers.


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must Been the wind


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I like this sidebar

As a g*mer, I must admit that I am an extremely v*olent, r*tarded, obese white s*premacist that suffers from seizures and I have committed multiple shoot shootings

Tab banner:

g5yming is good, this community must die

Did they get into the mod team too? lol

It's less funny when you realize anyone who falls for it is a literal child


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