Reminder that the mods attempted a coup on AnnArchist because they take their jobs very seriously

1  2020-04-24 by mcbrd

JR crying to the admins

"The admins don't give a fucking shit about this site"

lmao this is fucking gold

The others that were not invited are the random people that Annarchist invited against our wishes because they added some stupid CNN removal CSS to their subreddits

In general, Annarchist is just a camper - he is an ever present (even though he does nothing) axe above our heads and mismanages/distrupts the functioning of the subreddit on a whim whenever he feels like it out of the blue

They even tried to run off and make their own subreddit

Man I forgot just how fucking pathetic the whole thing was



serious jannieteur stickying their own comment because they need attention

No seriously log out pls

Give me more attention pls.

Thank you!

Only if you link that video


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mod me, I promise to do nothing at all

If there is one thing a proper /r/drama mod should do, it's fucking nothing. AnnArchist is the best possible candidate for the role.

Anyone who would actually want control of a subreddit is the last person who should ever have it.

Anyone who would actually want control of a subreddit is the last person who should ever have it.

Based and philosopher-kingpilled.

You speak the true true

you no steal me gimmick!!! no! you no do!!!!!

What is cloud atlas tho?

me no know. me know cloud, he big sword man, but what atlas?

You're saying I'm almost perfect? ๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿคฉ

Sadly you are not an homofascist yet, so the perfection is outside your reach.

In general, Annarchist is just a camper - he is an ever present (even though he does nothing) axe above our heads and mismanages/distrupts the functioning of the subreddit on a whim whenever he feels like it out of the blue

me no see how this different from other dum dum who clean up place?

Basically, he constantly disrupts the subreddit while also simultaneously doing nothing.

Definitely the words of a man who is mentally stable and not in any way a pathetic loser trying to sieze control of a discussion forum on the internet so he can work for free removing anything he doesn't like from it.

other dum dum disrupt subreddit too. they make robot do thing, they ban many, they kill trappysaruh. it no just ann.

Other dum dum get paid

other dum dum not paid, other dum dum do free.

Me misunderstood. All unpaid dum dum should swing from tree except leader.

He's literally the only good one. If any of these other j*nnies had their way, this place would be leftie autobot censor graveyards out the ass or MD3 (now with more genocide)

Lol JR created the ideas you try so hard to fellate in this sub.

redditor for 6 years

2 comments today and nothing else

How many of these alts did you set up?

JR was a dickless madboi and you're either him or you're an orbiter and that's just really sad homie

Idk dude it's just true ยฏ_(ใƒ„)_/ยฏ

Drama was one many subs that Ann had camped. JR booted it up, ran it for years and all the quasi-ironic homo-snark was his doing. SRD not long after that. It's like that experiment with the monkeys being doused with water on the ladder, except with bussy jokes.

simping a long-dead powermod on an ancient alt account

Wow, so how much did he get payed for all his hard work?

you sound like a se*thing j*nnoid alt. they really should double your payrate if you care this much about your "job"

Why were you was he suspended?

In general, Annarchist is just a camper - he is an ever present (even though he does nothing) axe above our heads and mismanages/distrupts the functioning of the subreddit on a whim whenever he feels like it out of the blue

Based topmod privilege. Feelsgoodman.

Fuck the hater mods. JR is a fucking joke

I remember telling him to just purge the modlist, literally every mod with the occasional exception of snally and masterlawlz contributed nothing but fits of seethe when they didn't like the content on here. Especially the powermods who use this as their Facebook.

I don't see any downside to seething mods.


Lawlz is unironically the best regular. His content is r-slurred, but it's consistent and at least he tries to make us laugh instead of just jerking his micropeen to his own cleverness like literally everyone else who has a custom flair here.

Agreed, and he's achieved so much for a zoomer. Nice to see a zoomer with a can-do attitude instead of just complaining that the world is difficult.

me do same thing! me like lawlz?

I like your gimmick dog. Itโ€™s enjoyable. All the r-slurs downvoting you downvote lolcows

me thanks

Queitus is pretty cool.

Ann is the only good janny.

Snally is a queen and iirc she wasn't really involved with the coup autism. Lawlz is alright too since he doesn't take modding seriously

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wow, rood ๐Ÿ˜ 

worldaroundewe should be a mod, but there is no justice on the internet.

WAE is a mod.

On this day, we are blessed.

ann grow corn. he provide many food for tribe. good tribeman.

I liked bird girl until I realized she was actually a power janny

stupid mod man be like "grrrr me angry why other mod man do same thing me do?"

Ann is based, way more based than the assblasted lib mod who bans me regularly

It's funny because I've had mods here send me encouragement to continue triggering the chapos and I've had mods here ban me for triggering their leftism

God that's such a based occurrence tbh. This is why this subreddit thrives

It isn't actually since you need a 3 month old account to post here and no one is going to unban you

None will unban you regardless just fyi

? That's what I said bro have you been hitting the fent


It's fucking perfect balance.

We do have some based mods, you know who you are ๐Ÿ˜Ž

I got an 8 day ban for going on /r/gaybros and saying based lol

It never even started for serialflamingocels ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

Lol same thing in /r/iowa. Daddy ann randomly modded me for the lulz, but I'll walk through the gates of hell for our dear leader.

I'd literally rather live in Iowa than be associated with r/Iowa. Good on you though I guess.

The only redeeming quality of r/iowa is that it's got based jannies.

r/iowa is like a petri dish full of diarrhea inducing bacteria and the jannies just fuck around with it for the lulz.

You really can't argue against that Ann being the top mod is the only reason Drama is still here and the only good subreddit

I literally thought everyone was fucking around the entire time


It turned out to be an actual serious KU DA TAH attempts and all i could think of was mayo trans jannies.

Yeah I canโ€™t believe that there are jannies that actually take this place that seriously. What power could you possibly hope to gain by modding this shithole of all places?

Imagine getting upset that you can't powermod a 4chan Boomer sub. JFL


I don't know about other people, but I struggle to use the word y'all even ironically ๐Ÿคฎ ๐Ÿคฎ ๐Ÿคฎ.

Y'all is a massive big red flagerino that someone cares about pronouns.

I had to break that habit around here because y'all is just such a natural thing for us southerners to say.


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๐Ÿค  HOWDY ๐Ÿค 



Oh I can just imagine the jannie tears when our glorious leader started to purge them one by one

How much were these j*nnies paid for this endeavor? Surely they must have received financial compensation for doing that?

Thatโ€™s a MtF but the f is for ferengi


  1. Reminder that the mods attempted a ... -,

  2. JR crying to the admins -,*

  3. "The admins don't give a fucking sh... -,

  4. They even tried to run off and make... -,

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Imagine wanting to get rid of our resident corncel.

Wait that happened only 3 years ago? I could have sworn they pulled that shit before the election as well. How come the head moderator position on an internet forum is so important that multiple coups must be attempted? Does it provide even greater monetary compensation than the generous salary of the average moderator?

I think it gives them control over the permissions of everyone else in the list.

So if you were a member of the powermod squad, all you'd have to do is cultivate a few alts, get them into mod positions in subreddits you don't like, bring in other members of the squad, start whispering poison privately on Discord, then do a coup.

If that sounds like a lot of work, remember these people are all unemployed and spend 20 hours a day online.

Before you know it your sub is being run by n8thegr8, BelleAriel, Barf, etc.

They all have non stem degrees.

Can't believe you actually thought I cared famalam. That's pretty embarrassing.

Sorry, but you have no business being on Reddit unless you care about and are willing to acquire in-depth knowledge of Power Jannie psychology and their methods of operation.

You are just the kind of enabler the Power Mod Squad love "LOL I don't care fam". Meanwhile they get ever more entrenched until every subreddit is anime trans rights memes an "Trump Bad".

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Fuck off autojannie I want to watch them argue


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Reverse this nonsense. Immediately.

Ah yes, getting autojannied because of the t-slur. Somebody needs to sue this bot

I got you fam


If there's dox in the mod mail, what's with adding lolcows to the modlist? ๐Ÿค”


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Fuckin thing doesn't like you lol