Zoomers invade /r/BanVideoGames and take the "Internet Illiterate" crown away from boomers

1  2020-04-24 by ItsSugar


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Why would anyone ever essay post? Nothing on this site matters. Do you hate yourself that much?

severe tunnel vision and/or mental illness

This is your brain after being raised by an iPad. Without social interaction and books, the little r-slurs are actually incapable of understanding verbal irony. These kids need to get off the internet and go read some Mark Twain or Voltaire or some shit.

Fuck that makes sense. Comedy’s gonne be fucked

And essay-posting for a bunch of people who disagree with you, at that. At least when you essay-post for an echo chamber, you receive a shallow imitation of the approval that you never got from your parents, resulting in a temporary boost to your pathetically small self-esteem. When you essay-post to an opposing echo chamber, you just get the same generic downvotes you would have gotten for a dismissive "lol didn't read".


the average Zoom is incapable of babby's first computer tier tasks...they have to be talked through things as simple as navigating through their own files and folders or torrenting.

beepboop app go open wheeeeeeeeee is their limit

on any zoom or f*id sub expect to see phrases like 'i'm so glad i downloaded reddit'

I miss web 1.0

To be fair, fifteen years ago you could get kids to delete system32 by convincing them it was causing RuneScape to lag.

but they could actually find system32

me do computer good and me surprise how dum dum zoomer are. generation no been good since rock age. zoomer no know how hunt mammoth, zoomer no know how pick berry, zoomer no know how computer. what zoomer know? zoomer know twerk, charge they phone, mcdonalds, hot chip, lie.



This is what video games does to a mf 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

I'm past the point of partisan garbage and ive been exposing myself to many ideas and ive found generally both sides have a partial truth -----so there actually might be some weight to this george soros shit ----- my question is, is there anyone on earth that is talked about more than george soros that talks less than george soros does


  1. Zoomers invade /r/BanVideoGames and... - archive.org, archive.today

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ou think im in the wrong and a mind-numbed useless shit for brains m1llenial / gen z whos hooked on v1deogames

plays clash of clans and minecraft


If you have to split your essay into multiple posts that should be more than enough evidence that you are taking reddit too seriously


Gamers are worse than boomers tbh. At least boomers contributed to society. Gamers on the other hand must be eradicated.

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Ok boomer

hey so im the guy who did the stupid long post, and id just like to admit that i was throughly tricked by the sub. not that that wasnt obv, i just dont wanna hide from it. no point. ik gettin torn into over this, and deservedly lol. i 100% thought they were serious lmao. idk why i didnt do more research on the sub first, it only took me like 10 secs of reading other comments and such to realize id “fallen for one of the classic blunders”. anyway just wanted to say that and that the reasons i made the post so long were cuz i thought i was having a serious conversation (again, mistake on me) and i was super bored and had nothing else to do

whatever tho, we all have those moments right. i normally dont pull such stunts of dumbassery, which is why i was kind of surprised when i discovered like right after posting id been duped. tbh i shoulda deleted comment. mistake number two ig. oh well, enjoy my error :)


lmao you are a legend