Users can't let go of their toxic masculinity in /r/menslib, as a debate over "MenAreTrash" gets y'alled. sorted by controversial

5  2020-04-25 by CrosbyStillzandSwag


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Not that I'm into conspiracies, but if there were ever a sub that was actually controlled opposition, it would be /r/menslib.

There is absolutely nothing in that sub that is helpful for 95% of heterosexual men who are dealing with real problems men face.

Yeah it was started by feminist w*men to basically train men to behave how they think they want them to behave despite them knowing nothing about men or what they even want. Abrahamic religions didn't just make rules about women shutting the fuck up for a laugh, humans are the same as they ever were and ever will be. Women have always been like this, we weren't just fumbling around in the dark up until a bunch of uppity bints started blowing up post boxes and throwing themselves in front of horses.

Yeah, following along with /r/MensLib stuff is about the worst thing you can do if you feel bad about being a man or feel like youre doing women in your life/the world a bad turn. It's the best example of the people who don't need it being given the advice they're already following to an extreme, detrimental extent.

Not true. I once saw a thread on there (it was pages and pages long of very in-depth rhetorical analysis and discussion) whose end result was: 'cut your dick off, you'll love it'.

It's the balls you really want to remove to improve your life. Geldings make better workhorses than stallions or mares.

Calling it controlled opposition would imply that it is opposing something.

leave that place it isn't worth it

a lot of them are the alt-right mirror images of our tankie edgelord teens, and a lot of people there are broken, toxic people and their parasites who exploit and humiliate them for sociopathic fun

just a really bad community all around


  1. Users can't let go of their toxic m... -,

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to the point as always

Decades from now machine learning psychoanalysis will demonstrate that sissy porn hypno severely damaged these guys. 🙄

i dont think sissy porn was even necessary, this all seems strangely voluntary, like why? is this some sort of larp? it truly baffles me

It’s odd to you Becayse normal people don’t behave this way. You are observing a statistical outlier in their natural habitat

They're trans women who don't realize they want to cut their balls off yet

Yet that arent cross posting on speed runner subs🤔

Lmao funny thing is there's a lot of trans men in the sub.

I used to tell myself that people that were successful and had lots of friends in high school were all like fucked up people somehow, and I was above them in the most important respects because I was really into politics and informed in a way they weren't.

You don't need computers to come to that conclusion.

But yet in others, it has provided strength. Strength to get through another day of being a gloryhole operator.

Sissy porn is a placebo that simply revealed their underlying desires.

If you have a problem with it, you're making it "about you" when it's not "about you" - it's about highlighting a problem.


If the hashtag isn't about men being trash, why is it "#menaretrash"?

blacksaretrash isn’t about you, sweaty

You're not like other blacks

Because men are trash

Still better than women tho, somehow

It's like choosing if you would prefer feces in your water or buttered on your corn.

Men are trash and women are worse. Most based take.

Um look this isn't about you it's about highlighting a problem

But you're saying I'm part of the problem when I'm not

ugh see this is why you're part of the problem

They refused to answer when asked if they stopped beating their wives.

Honestly it wouldn't be a such a problem if womyn just learned to cook.

Mental gymnastics can do wonders.

it's an unfortunate quirk of the English language that when someone says "Men Are Trash" the meaning is all men are trash.

How is the notion that words have meanings an "unfortunate quirk" of the English language?

It's almost like there is an unambiguous way to say what they're pretending they mean but refuse to because it's not really what they mean.

Lol someone posted this to CB2 because apparently theyre not grovelling enough.

I believe women are children, so they should be allowed to say men are trash because no one takes them seriously to begin with. I mean if you need to ban opinions to realise the gender that invented 99% of the most useful things to society isn’t trash you’re probably a fucking brainless autist

It's like getting offended by some zoomer kid trash talking you on Xbox live, like why should you even care about what they think? Their opinions are literally worthless

why do you hurt me like this?


because no one takes them seriously to begin with

This but incredibly seriously. Any time my younger brother brings up shit like that I just ask him who cares?

JFC what the fuck is that sub? Is every comment in there a fucking dissertation?

a good way to sound smart is just to add more text. if your speaking, instead of adding more words, just slow down your speech so it covers a longer time frame.

that sub is a case study in why single mothers shouldn't be allowed


Good morning!

When I said good morning I hate women, I was just venting. I obviously don't mean ALL... actually yeah.


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Oh menslib, you'll never be able to stoop low enough to please your masters.

Honestly, I am just tired, as a feminist, of always having to phrase things so men will listen and won't detail to make it about my tone

"I want these things called body language, communication and completely normal behavior to not exist while I'm mad"

And these people wonder why they're not taken seriously.


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I unironically feel bad for them. Like, I get it, they're pathetic and all, but I still kinda feel bad for them. Like, these dudes must be fucking suffering irl.

What oppression are white women facing?

Not enough dogs?

Take a shot for every “As a...”

If you search #WomenAreTrash on Twatter, most of the tweets are by Nigerians, South Africans and other Africans. Lmao, based as fuck.