1 2020-04-25 by Tawhc
So this isnt exactly a breakup, but kinda is, and its a bit of a AITA question/post but i cant reallt post in either so here i am.
So been gaming with this girl online for the last 4 months or so, got on great, everything looking well, were supposed to meet up at the end of may. I introduced her to my friends maybe 2-3 weeks ago, they got on great and any time im at work she is always playing with them (they arent working due to covid). Everything was looking good, no issues at all until just now.
She messaged me saying that im not compassionate and objectify women, doesnt see this going anywhere blah blah blah. Now the reason she said im not compassionate is because a week ago i didnt play a game my friends wanted me to play because i despise that game, hate being forced to do things, wasnt in the mood, and i never force them to play anything so i dont see why i should be forced, on top of that i still have like 200hours on that game just from playing with them and making them happy etc. But because i said no, im not compassionate. Im sure there are underlying issues but thats the "big" one that she gave.
So i ask her to call for a minute to just straighten things out and it would be easier than texting. But it turns out she cant, because she is playing with MY friends, while having a serious conversation with me? Which is sort of breaking up, but at the same time not since we never actually dated yano?
So am i being the asshole here or? I find it odd that im apparently not the compassionate one but she is "breaking up" with me while playing with my friends, and im pretty hurt by what she said and i find to be hypocritical.
2 ThinkingOnce 2020-04-25
There's your fuck up.
2 Tawhc 2020-04-25
Whats wrong with gaming?
1 ThinkingOnce 2020-04-25
Everything. Grow up.
1 Tawhc 2020-04-25
Think you are the one who needs to grow up dude, judging a person purely on gaming.
0 ThinkingOnce 2020-04-25
If you wouldn't have been gaming, you wouldn't have these problems. QED.
1 [deleted] 2020-04-25
1 TaysSecondGussy 2020-04-25
This, so much this!!!
Be better, OP. Women owe you NOTHING. YTA.
2 Tawhc 2020-04-25
When did i say she owed me anything?
2 Bucking_Fastard 2020-04-25
You can't break up with someone you weren't in a real relationship with, don't try to kid yourself into thinking edating is anything more than LARPing. She sounds like a fucking idiot anyway. Consider this a bullet dodged.
2 Tawhc 2020-04-25
I know we werent dating so its not a breakup, but it was pretty clear it was headed that way, it was basically just waiting on meeting each other to actually decide.
1 Bucking_Fastard 2020-04-25
Don't mean to be a dick but I'm, based purely from what you said here, guessing you were probably more invested in this than her mate. She starts playing with your mates and suddenly you're "not compassionate enough"? I smell a ho.
Like I said bullet dodged. Once lockdown is over get yourself out there and find yourself a higher calibre of chick.
1 Tawhc 2020-04-25
Ya i was thinking the same, it is what it is.
1 Bucking_Fastard 2020-04-25
Good attitude.
1 TaysSecondGussy 2020-04-25
If you want a legit answer listen to this person. She’s just looking for validation from dudes, probably a touch of the old BPD. No matter how sad or lonely you are, a relationship with that kind of person would have been a bigger mistake than you can imagine.
1 AgitatedFudge 2020-04-25
ALL egirls are souless beings who r just there to suck any life from u and turn u into a husk of a person. they get a group of orbiters to do whatever they ask, and defend them when called out. i have seen this happen many times and if ur friends don't realize this they will bcome it soon (may already be too late).
1 SnapshillBot 2020-04-25
You were put down, in the future please refrain from discussing subjects you have no education in.
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1 automatic_cluck 2020-04-25
Visit this link and change your life!!!
1 Lord_Sticky 2020-04-25
Have you considered dropping her and blasting your friends’ bussy instead?
2 Tawhc 2020-04-25
My friends what now? 😅
1 Lord_Sticky 2020-04-25
Bussy? The most sacred hole in the human body?
This is a bussy-pilled neighborhood friend. You might need to go back the way you came
1 The_Great_I_Am_Not 2020-04-25
I stopped reading right there.
That's all I needed to know.