I fucking hate redditors dude

1  2020-04-26 by FukinSukinCukin


You're not even trying to be witty or anything, you're just circlejerking. How does it feel literally karma whoring, like, actually just being a human who cares enough to type multiple comments for no purpose except to draw a nearby majority's attention to the fact that you agree with them?


  1. I fucking hate redditors dude - archive.org, archive.today

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best poster in this sub


Le e🅱in Reddit moment lol

OP in absolute shambles

Something something sentient.

ecks dee

What a funny joek! You pretended t0 be so bored by the repetition of a joke that you decided to make an ironic attempt at a lazy rendition of the joke! What clever wordsmanship! How did you come up with this? Surely no one has ever made this kind of unique and quirky insight before?

Damn redditors! They ruined reddit!

For real though about 75% of people on this site are just fucking dregs. I want to say its at least better than Twitter but then I remember that fuckwit lefty reddit exists 😕


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I just don't believe they're real people dude, I refuse to believe it. This is all just a CIA experiment to see how zoomers react to gy sht.

Sadly, they are real mate. I've met some. Fuck wit leftys I mean, not redditors. God forbid I ever meet a redditor in real life I think I'd spontaneously combust through sheer embarrasment.

The fuckwit leftys are, thankfully, quite rare in real life but the really do exist.

God forbid I ever meet a redditor

i met someone who admitted to using 9gag

The only redditor I know in real life is a fellow dramatard. I cant decide if that's better or worse than knowing someone who only browses pics and funny

I don't even know what that is, and at this stage I don't want to know.



You cunt. I just googled that and now I can fucking smell it.

The composition of the photograph is reddit. 40 tonnes of flesh and the one decently attractive girl (me).


Even the dog is fat.

Yeah. it's America, they could feed the World's Hungry six times over and their heckin dogerinos would miss a meal.

I met a fuckwit lefty who was a redditor. He seemed normal enough at first, but it all culminated when my friend group wanted to try out DnD and he was the only person we knew who knew how to play.

So he did a game for us, and it ended after he made us go through a r* pe investigation and he got really p* ssed when we didn’t know the signs of a r* pe. The guy got on a soapbox and started screeching about f* minism and how awful our society is that none of us know the symptoms of r pe. The funny thing is, the step-sister of one of our players was r ped. He kind of shut up after that was mentioned.

So many creeps play D&D it ruins it (or the image at least) for the rest of us.

That’s why I only play with people I really know.

I want to believe this is made up or exaggerated but I know it isn’t

I mean I have a whole lot of other stories about that guy, definitely not the weirdest thing he did.

Ok zoomer

Nah man, this place is definitely better than Twatter. You can't escape kpopcels and their reaction videos on Twitter. You can conveniently ignore them here.

But both are filled with Libertarians 🤢

90% of people in here are useless people who don't deserve love, safety, or comfort. They are the true untermensch.


Smug: yet you use reddit mmmmmm curious!!! 😏🤣🤔🤔🤔😌🧔

Stunning & Brave, but I'm afraid YTA.

People on this sub aren't much better tbh. Deux is where all the chads hang out


then leave💅

The ones who say "Happy Cake Day ☺" I hate the most.

Thanks for the good kind strange

Wow... Just. Wow.

Ok that's heckin problematic


Umm that's a bad faith argument, sweaty. 💁 Stop sealioning me into doing emotional labor for you. It's not my job to educate you. And stop trying to sneak your dog whistles past me 👏 I won't let you gaslight me. It's almost like you could try just being a decent person with empathy for once 💅

Have sex incèl 😘

^ This guy Reddits.

me too thanks

Yeah, agreed. Bleaching assholes is NOT a kink.

I don't have children myself but I think you did the right thing.

It's true....fatherhood is really great

If i hear the word "wholesome" one more time im gonna break


Wife had a halfsome the others day. More healthy

Yeah but I’m into cute and dumb and daddy issues so here I am

here, you dropped this: /s

edit: typo