Remember to thank the REAL HEROS during this pandemic!

1  2020-04-26 by Corporal-Hicks

The cart pushers, the door greeters, the over night stockers, the custodians, the cashiers!

They are the TRUE HEROS out there risking their LIVES to keep us all alive. We should petition the government to give them HAZARD PAY!


Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand. src


  1. Remember to thank the REAL HEROS du... -,

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B T F O ๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐Ÿ˜‚

They are actually truly literally HEROS for doing their jobs. They should definitely get HAZARD pay

I say we increase the monetary compensation for their efforts by 500% to a total of $0.00


Heโ€™s talking about internet jannies


Day of the pay check when

The delivery guys ๐Ÿ™

This but unironically.

They are the true Chads who don't give a fuark about Corona Chan

I read a study somewhere that said infection rates compared between essential and non essential workers was exactly the same. Unless you controlled for age and the 55+ group had massive infection rate regardless of their work status.

also probably because non-essential workers don't give a fuck and are still going out

๐Ÿบ ๐Ÿฆ 

How? I legit work in a grocery store and I donโ€™t get it. Iโ€™m not around infected people all day. I donโ€™t stand in a large crowd. Iโ€™d America literally so weak that leaving the house deserves a medal?

If I were working in a hospital even as a janitor it makes sense because a janitor in a hospital is actually exposed to Covid daily. Heโ€™s picking up stuff from rooms where someone dying of Covid coughed.


All tranners are beautiful?

I am sure government will take r/drama lobbying seriously

I'm going to remove the tip if you're late with my delivery again

Just the tip.

๐Ÿ˜‚ itโ€™s so true. Fuckin reddit thinks these people are the same as war heroes dropped on the beaches is Normandy.

Pretty sure most of those D-day guys just sat around getting fat on rations and dancing for tiktok videos.

They wore costumes and facetuned as the got shot at.

What does the word hero even mean anymore?

It has zero meaning and hasn't had any for a while.

You're a hero for saying that

I mean, it took courage to say what everyone's thinking.

Stunning and brave.

It's as watered down now as Nazi and racist.

The Carnegie Hero Fund has a good definition. And yes Euros, this does exclude you.

I work at a grocery store and had someone call me a hero the other day lmao. Dumb whyte f*ids will call you a hero for shitting your pants during these quarantine.

This is why I'm expecting the US to fall like the USSR. We are pussies. Doing just barely above the absolute minimum is "stunning and brave๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ†". Leaving the house during a time when there's a virus with a 1% fatality rate isn't that fucking brave. If I get it (forty and no health issues) I'll have a bad flu for a week. Its insanity. If you're too much of a pussy to risk a 1% chance of dying, you should never leave the house again, and a society that thinks that's worthy of "hazard pay" or "heroism" is one that will never accomplish anything and will fall apart at the first hint of danger.

We won't go to Mars, we won't cure diseases, we won't invent things. Those involve risk and take effort.

I'm a fucking cashier, I never thought I'd make fucking danger pay

As a delivery-chad please don't inflate away my savings and if you really want to thank me for my service let the fucking bars open back up so I have something to do when I get off work besides drunkpost on plebbit.

Also the curfew where I live is a total fucking joke and traffic is nearly normal now, only worse as many people on the roads are either cruising around aimlessly or using them as their personal racetrack. I'm vastly more likely to get hurt or killed in a car crash than by this virus and being a delivery driver has always been dangerous thanks to car wrecks and robberies.

One of our restaurants is mandating that our drivers wear masks so I guess we're in on the LARP now. My county of 200K people has had one confirmed death from the coof and that's with us being overrun by refugee students from New York and Jersey.