Tankies mad at German hero

1  2020-04-26 by perkot12


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I got into a spat with some tankie on r/shitwehraboossay. I pointed out that Finland was right to ally with the Nazis against the Soviet Union, since the only alternative was to become a Soviet Vassal state and the Soviets invaded. He just REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED at me.

This drama is a little boring since redditors are r*tards and have no concept of the complexity of WWII, or how actual militaries work, they only see things in black and white, they're literally like children.

"oh you were conscripted into Hitler's forces? clearly you're just as bad as Heinrich Himmler."

How do you know he didn't volunteer, friendo?

Eh, I’ve actually put in effort for once and did research on this guy. Committed zero war crimes, was respected by the RAF and they let him fly (as a passenger) in a Spitfire when he was 95. Idk, if he was a bad dude I think there would be actual negative press on him readily available.

I don't disagree at all, I'm just pushing back against this specific assumption.

I don't think he's the devil, I wouldn't spit in the guy's face, and I would be more than happy to hear him talk about his time in the military. Having said that, I wouldn't thank him for his service (unlike say, an American WW2 veteran, honestly), and I'm happy his side lost.

Well yeah, we’re in agreement

Still a good guy


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A bunch of redditors trying to shit on some old guy they know practically nothing about because he was in a war they most likely know very little about. Naturally this all takes place on a sub called "World War 2 Pictures".

Promoting anarchofascism for 9 years and counting.


  1. Tankies mad at German hero - archive.org, archive.today

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Duh Being conscripted into the army makes you literally the same as SS-mobile death squads.

Oh, you have evidence he was conscripted? Cool, can you share it?

It’s irrelevant, rank and file soldiers don’t make the decisions and the German public wasn’t even aware of the genocide. There’s a reason almost every normal German soldier captured by the Allies was allowed to walk free after watching some anti-nazi counterpropaganda. If somebody stabs somebody else you don’t try the knife.


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Fuck the average German citizen and their endorsement of imperialism. They are all equally bad. The only good Germans on WWII were the defectors who were executed. The living, all of them are fascist garbage. Fuck Germany.

Germany was deeply fascist and America's denazification policies were a joke because America was and is a fascist country. The only real denazification took place in eastern Germany.

Tankies 😑








No One




👏Why👏don't 👏the👏oppressed👏just👏kill👏themselves👏

The next holocaust needs redditors first.

Just remove karma

remove downvotes so it’ll be like every other platform

me want cock ball hit. you cavegorl? you hit me ball with rock? me give you meat 😉 me give tusk cow meat hit ball with rock.

Updooted for the username.

This is too nuanced for reddit. Redditors are about the same as people who spit on drafted soldiers coming back from Vietnam

Nobody ever spit on soldiers coming back from Vietnam idiot, that was a line in Rambo, not history.


Yeah right you lunatic anglos have a thousand times more sympathy for a waffen SS soldier than someone drafted in the red army or any of the loyal and patriotic armies in eastern Europe before those nations fell to capitalism. It's sickening. A sign of your degenerate fascist culture.

Dude the cold war ended 30 years ago, its time to move on

Dude the cold war ended 30 years ago,

"Finally those fascist pigs will pay for their crimes!"

That’s the thing, joining the nazis is inherently horrible. Their entire ideology, the core of their cause, revolved around killing everyone that they decided was a degenerate.

I love the fact that Yanks have no fucking idea what conscription is.

I like how everyone in this thread assumes literally every German soldier was conscripted.

Rightoids 😨

They've been seething about WW2 ever since they saw a history channel documentary about the Tiger tank back in 7th grade.

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This sub is like 80% rightoid now. It's lost it's touch. It's boring when people agree with each other.

We literally went private/fucked with users for months on end to combat that, and the end result was:

a) approvedcel powerusers whining they had no idiots to bait,

b) next to zero other content.

Even with the gates open, the "too many rightoids"-whining never abated. I'm beginning to think most of you are just this kind of person


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Just cause we're not all seething bernouts doesn't make us /p0l/t@rds.

Ok I guess that sounded dumb. This sub is just less fun now. The older threads were much more entertaining.

That's because you could ping. Although I kinda agree with you about this place being too righty, but reddit has become so lefty (like far too the left of normal Democrats) that no wonder this place is going to laugh at mostly lefties.

Come to duexrama we know how to have a good time

That's because the admins banned all the fun people.

Nah. Not completely. There’s a bunch of downvotey rightoids all over now.


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Mayo Redditor Neo liberals are always gonna consider radical centrists to be nazis. That’s just the way the cookie crumbles 🙀

They grew gaunted and lank under the white suns of those days and their hollow burnedout eyes were like those of noctambulants surprised by day. Crouched under their hats they seemed fugitives on some grander scale, like beings for whom the sun hungered. Even the judge grew silent and speculative. He’d spoke of purging oneself of those things that lay claim to a man but that body receiving his remarks counted themselves well done with any claims at all. They rode on and the wind drove the fine gray dust before them and they rode an army of gray-beards, gray men, gray horses. The mountains to the north lay sunwise in corrugated folds and the days were cool and the nights were cold and they sat about the fire each in his round of darkness in that round of dark while the idiot watched from his cage at the edge of the light. The judge cracked with the back of an axe the shinbone on an antelope and the hot marrow dripped smoking on the stones. They watched him. The subject was war.

The good book says that he that lives by the sword shall perish by the sword, said the black.

The judge smiled, his face shining with grease.

What right man would have it any other way? he said.

The good book does indeed count war an evil, said Irving. Yet there’s many a bloody tale of war inside it.

It makes no difference what men think of war, said the judge. War endures. As well ask men what they think of stone. War was always here. Before man was, war waited for him. The ultimate trade awaiting its ultimate practitioner. That is the way it was and will be. That way and not some other way.

He turned to Brown, from whom he’d heard some whispered slur or demurrer. Ah Davy, he said. It’s your own trade we honor here. Why not rather take a small bow. Let each acknowledge each.

My trade?


What is my trade?

War. War is your trade. Is it not?

And it aint yours?

Mine too. Very much so.

What about all them notebooks and bones and stuff?

All other trades are contained in that of war.

Is that why war endures?

No. It endures because young men love it and old men love it in them. Those that fought, those that did not.

That’s your notion.

The judge smiled. Men are born for games. Nothing else. Every child knows that play is nobler than work. He knows too that the worth or merit of a game is not inherent in the game itself but rather in the value of that which is put at hazard. Games of chance require a wager to have meaning at all. Games of sport involve the skill and strength of the opponents and the humiliation of defeat and the pride of victory are in themselves sufficient stake because they inhere in the worth of the principals and define them. But trial of chance or trial of worth all games aspire to the condition of war for here that which is wagered swallows up game, player, all.

Suppose two men at cards with nothing to wager save their lives. Who has not heard such a tale? A turn of the card. The whole universe for such a player has labored clanking to this moment which will tell if he is to die at that man’s hand or that man at his. What more certain validation of a man’s worth could there be? This enhancement of the game to its ultimate state admits no argument concerning the notion of fate. The selection of one man over another is a preference absolute and irrevocable and it is a dull man indeed who could reckon so profound a decision without agency or significance either one. In such games as have for their stake the annihilation of the defeated the decisions are quite clear. This man holding this particular arrangement of cards in his hand is thereby removed from existence. This is the nature of war, whose stake is at once the game and the authority and the justification. Seen so, war is the truest form of divination. It is the testing of one’s will and the will of another within that larger will which because it binds them is therefore forced to select. War is the ultimate game because war is at last a forcing of the unity of existence. War is god. Brown studied the judge.

You’re crazy Holden. Crazy at last.

The judge smiled.

Maybe you should get the left to stop being completely aut*smic, then fun people will want to go back there.

Don't forget the documentaries about the Nazi "wonder weapons" (literally just the V2 and the ME 262) and how the Wehrmact was only defeated by overwhelming Asiatic hordes


Based and Vrilpilled.

Like at least half of them aren't europoors....

None of them are.

Only Americans seem to still buy into commie shit.

Americans don't fucking exist pall, they are all slovakians.

That's what the commies want you to think. They're just waiting for you to let your guard down.


Does being conscripted automatically make you not a Nazi?



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It makes you a çuck but idk about ŋazÍ

The word "inherently" has become such a buzzword tbh. Redditors love to slap it into every other sentence and feel clever because of it

It has the dual effect of sounding philosophical while also meaning they don’t have to back up their claims because they’re self-evident


Imagine buying the clean Wehrmecht garbage! The Wehrmechts constant right wing intervention in Weimar Germany, and their formation of a deep state and refusal to recognize anything but the most reactionary of regimes, was more responsible than anything (besides maybe the social democratic parties weakness) for the rise of nazism.

There were good soldiers in the Wehrmecht. The deserters, and the ones executed for desertion. Those who surrendered to the soviets and converted to communism and forsook fascism. The rest of them conscripted or not are garbage.

BTW, pilots are officers you idiot, officers are not conscripted. Fuck you and your fascist and fascist worshiping culture. You love the nazis because your are the nazis.

Long live the Soviet Union!

Lol serious posting.

nothing about that account is serious lol

Lol serious posting about serious posting.

I don't like when neighbours are loud. They remind me of life.

No one cares boomtard


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I appreciate the civility, and applaud you even considering changing your opinion. That seems pretty rare on reddit.

So rare that there's a f@ggy comment like this in every thread now.

I appreciate the retardation, and applaud you even considering shitting out your ass. That seems pretty rare on leddit.


Holy shit 😭at the seething when someone points out the eastern air front was easier for the Germans cause the commies Air Force wasn’t up to snuff with the German, RAF, US air forces. No shit the soviet Air Force blew you couldn’t just send hoards of planes at the Germans or have a plane follow another plane until it was shot down then pick up it’s gun. Pinkos smh 🤦‍♀️

O-oh ok well.. WOW Reddit. So so so we're just celebrating NAZIS now? Wtf I want to cry! I'm telling you I I'm shaking. You can't just post a picture of a NAZI in a WWII picture sub.

Tbf German aces only got so high of a kill count because they had to fly 24/7 because unlike the allies the Germans had no one to replace them. Also allied aces tended to be rotated off the front to train new pilots.



🏙️ 🗽 💣 ✈️ 💂 👌





Being a soldier in the soviet union during ww2 means you're guilty of the katyn massacre actually


I know this guy is from ww2. But I was reading something about ww1 air victories not too long ago.

One guy had 31 air victories. What struck me first was during that period of ww1, those shot down aircraft didn’t have parachutes. So each one of those victories was not just a score or set of points, but someone who sadly lost their life.

This guy is such a revoltingly giant p*ssy I feel physically ill. Imagine being such a limpwristed pantywaist that you need to tell people how sad this is.


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ok boomer


I’ve noticed reddit really loves to defend third reich nazi veterans. I guess it makes them feel cool, nuanced and smart to defend the most despicable fucking people in the history of our planet.

What level of delusional do you have to be to believe this

Redditors really believe this man should have just let himself get shot down.

I mean really, thank goodness every war in history the good guys have ALWAYS won, and thank goodness the bad guys realized they were bad and just let themselves get shot.

The pilot in the movie “1917” survived his crash. They didn’t fly very high then.

Are they taking the piss? Fucking reddit consoomers, man

According to reddit when a dictator does something bad you get to blame literally every citizen in the nation.